War Articles | War History

Battle of Agincourt – The English Really Should Have Lost, But They Won

The Battle of Agincourt is an iconic moment in English military history. On 25 October 1415, an army of English raiders under Henry V faced…

A Nightmarish Place – The Mauthausen-Gusen Concentration Camp

The Mauthausen-Gusen Concentration Camp lies just North of Linz, in Austria. It was one of the first large concentration camps created in Nazi Germany and…

Catch Me if You Can: Franz Von Werra The Only German POW to Escape From Canada and Get Back Into the Fight

A POW escaping from captivity has long been one of the more fascinating plot lines of World War 2.  For all the war’s brutality, there…

Some of the Most Important and Epic Battles of the Vietnam War

The Vietnam War lasted from 1 November 1955 to 30 April 1975, officially between North Vietnam (North Vietnam) and South Vietnam (South Vietnam). In reality, it…

Warrior Frank Baldwin Received Two Medals of Honor, One for Fighting the Confederates & Another for Fighting the Indians

Receiving the Medal of Honor for valor in combat puts one in the hallowed company of but a few thousand individuals to ever grace the…

Oi Give it Back: How the Soviets Stole an American F-86 Sabre Jet in 1951

During the Korean War (1950 to 1953) America and her allies sided with South Korea, while Russia and China sided with North Korea. Among their…

From The Tank Museum: Capturing The Mighty Tiger II – It is on Display in The UK

The Tiger II with Production turret on display in the Tiger Collection was built in July 1944 by Henschel and given Fahrgestell Nummer (chassis number)…

Robert Cole, Hero of The Carentan Bayonet Charge, Tragically Killed Two Weeks Before Being Awarded The Medal of Honor

Operation Market Garden would claim countless American lives in September of 1944, one of whom was a man set to receive the Medal of Honor…

One of The Most Remarkable Test Pilots Ever: Survived The Sinking of HMS Audacity & Flew over 480 Different types of Aircraft

There are many British aviators who can boast that they contributed to the war effort by taking to the skies over Europe to defeat the…

Upcoming Events at National World War I Museum and Memorial

A pair of symposiums featuring renowned speakers from across the world examining the entry of the U.S. into World War I and the conscience objector…

New Documentation Shows Allies Were Aware of the Holocaust Over Two Years Earlier Than Previously Believed

Documentation has been discovered at the United Nations that shows the Allies were aware of the Holocaust two and a half years before previously assumed.…

US 33rd Fighter Group – The Exhausting Fight for the Air Over Tunisia

In November 1942, the American 33rd Fighter Group went to North Africa. They were among the first US flyers to join the African campaign. Over…