War Articles | War History

The Greatest Unsolved Mysteries Of The Second World War

Jack Beckett

Whatever happened to Hitler’s famous office globe? What happened to Raoul Wallenberg, the Swedish diplomat that saved thousands of Jews? Who betrayed the Anne Frank and…

To Stop A Japanese Banzai Charge This Soldier Used His Rifle Like A Baseball Bat

Jeff Edwards

In the movies, we will see the scene replayed where the wounded soldier begs his comrades to leave him rather than risk their lives.  Often…

Showdown At The Cologne Cathedral – An Epic Tank Duel Of WWII

Jack Beckett

The tank battle at Cologne Cathedral, although brief, is perhaps the most famous of all time. Let’s have a look this wartime situation. The Germans…

The Infamous Battle of the Somme – One of the Worst Battles in History

Sarah Cooper

The Battle of the Somme was originally meant to be predominantly a French offensive. The Battle of the Somme was first planned in late 1915,…

It Took A Huge Effort To Keep Armies Supplied During The Hundred Years War

Andrew Knighton

Far from home and at constant threat of attack, the armies of the Hundred Years War between England and France were reliant on supply lines…

Sinking the Tirpitz, Sister to the Bismarck and the Heaviest European Battleship Ever

Colin Fraser

The story of the World War II German battleship Bismarck is legendary. The massive warship was destroyed by British ships and planes and then scuttled…

An Island Country Goes to War – The Irish at the Somme

Damien Peters

The outbreak of the First World War in 1914 had an unusual effect in Ireland. In a place where there had already been conflict and…

Hannibal Barca was Rome’s Greatest Enemy – But He Couldn’t Win the War for Carthage

Hannibal Barca inflicted one of the worst defeats ever suffered by the Roman army at the battle of Cannae. Nearly 70,000 men were killed in…

Who Led The Knights And How: Military Leadership In The Hundred Years War

Andrew Knighton

The Hundred Years War was one of the most protracted wars of the Middle Ages. For over a century, the French and English monarchies battled…

Things Nearly Went Nuclear When the Chinese Stole a Soviet Tank

In 1900, Russia signed the Treaty of Beijing which gave them Outer Manchuria and other Chinese lands. When both countries became communist, their nagging border…

By Sacrificing Himself Coastguard Douglas Munro Saved 500 Marines From Being Slaughtered

Gabe Christy

The United States Coast Guard was founded on a tradition of taking small boats into dangerous conditions to save lives. This skill made Coast Guard…

The Hurricane: A Very Important Fighter in the Battle of Britain

The Spitfire is widely recognized as the plane that fought the Luftwaffe during the Battle of Britain. Another plane, however, was just as crucial to…