War Articles | War History

A Soviet Spy Who saved The “Big Three” at the Tehran Conference was 19 years old at the time

During the spy games of WWII, the result of the war was hanging by a thread. Gevorg Vartanian, a young Armenian who joined the Soviet…

Some of the Most Outrageous but Genius Disguises in War History [Crazy But They Did Work]

Arguably, the disguises mentioned in this article may be the most outrageous but believe it or not, they worked! The Fake Tree If you are…

Clearing Hell’s Highway – 101st Airborne at Veghel – Operation Market Garden (Part 2)

Operation Market Garden, it is September 24th, 1944 and we are on the 6th day of the ill-fated operation. Earlier that day the Germans tried…

Tito’s Top Secret Underground Airbase Zeljava

Edin Hardaus

  Given that Zeljava is a huge complex of underground and overground military facilities, it has been quite a challenge to write an article about…

Amazing facts about the Junkers Ju-87 Stuka -it had a top speed of a mere 255mph

The Stuka got its nickname from the German word Sturzkampfflugzeug or dive-bomber, the official designation was Junkers Ju-87. The first plane prototype Stuka flew in…

Major Things That Went Badly Wrong on Omaha Beach

It is widely known and accepted that the landings on Omaha Beach on D-Day were something akin to a disaster, everything that could go wrong…

Formidable Melee Weapons of Ancient Warfare

In modern warfare, hand to hand combat is a last resort, with combat knives coming out either in stealth missions or in extremely close quarters…

Massive Towers, Unbreakable Walls, Terrifying Siege Engines – This Was The Hundred Years War

Andrew Knighton

As the sun rises over the battlefield, a column of knights gallops towards the assembled infantry. Banners flutter and arrows hurtle through the air as…

Top 4 Underrated Battles of Roman History

There is a long list of influential battles throughout Roman history: Zama, Pharsalus, Actium, Teutoburg, Adrianople and plenty more. These tend to get a major…

Land Forces of the Hundred Years War – A War That Seemed To Have No End

Andrew Knighton

Fought from 1337 to 1453, the Hundred Years War was one of the most significant conflicts of the late Middle Ages. As the Plantagenet kings of…

Ten Facts: The Race To Berlin – The Dramatic Closing Stages Of World War Two

The advance on Berlin in early 1945 didn’t only mark the final stage of World War Two in Europe. It also saw the first open…

Five Successful Missions of a Waffen SS Mastermind, Otto Skorzeny

Otto Skorzeny was one of Germany’s finest commandos. An engineer by profession, he tried to volunteer for the Luftwaffe (German Air Force), in the year…