War Articles | War History

14-18 NOW Launches Global Search For Poppies Seen At The Tower Of London

Where Are The Poppies Now is launched today by 14-18 NOW, the UK’s arts programme for the First World War centenary, to find the iconic…

Active duty, Reserve, Military Veterans, First Responders, All To Receive Free Haircuts On 9-11

Before Tom Sakezles started his first Tampa barber shop in the early 1950’s, he had already done and seen more than most people would or…

Night at the Tower,The World Remembers – September Events at the National World War I Museum and Memorial

National World War I Museum and Memorial – September events!  The third annual Night at the Tower benefit event, the debut of The World Remembers exhibition poignantly detailing the…

From Game of Thrones to Lord of the Rings – Movies And TV Shows Inspired By Real Wars

From HBO’s Band of Brothers to Ridley Scott’s, Kingdom of Heaven, many movies and TV shows are obviously based on historical facts. Some have used…

True or False – Bizarre Myths And Legends which have Gathered around the Nazis

As the evilest and most widely condemned organization in European history, the Nazis have long fascinated both historians and the public at large. Inevitably, a…

Tony Stein – The Inventive Warrior – An amazing American Marine in WW2

Brawn is nothing without brains. When the two are put together, amazing things can happen, but when they come together in a Marine, the results…

Incredible Self-Sacrifice – Sergeant George D. Libby, Medal Of Honor

Jeff Edwards

Having emerged victorious from WWII, losing a war was far from the minds of the American military in 1950. However, by July of that year,…

These Weapons were Responsible For The Deaths Of The Soldiers Who Used Them

Throughout the 20th and 21st Centuries, military technology has advanced considerably. Along the way, that evolution has taken some disastrous turns, particularly several weapons which proved…

The First Medal of Honor Recipient of WW2 Stood His Ground at Pearl Harbor

It is fitting in a war which would require inexplicable gallantry to win that it would begin with actions worthy of the nation’s highest military…

The Reluctant Hero Who was awarded a Victoria Cross… Twice

The Victoria Cross is Britain’s highest award for military valor, and only three people have received it twice. One was so incredible, in fact, he…

A Massive Operation – Raising A U-Boat To Recover Her Precious Cargo

In 1958, a German submarine was hoisted from the depths of the Kattegat Bay between the North and Baltic Seas off the coast of Sweden.…

The ‘Cisco Kids’: Tuskegee Airmen brothers George and Arnold Cisco

War History Online presents this Guest Article from Eugene Jones Baldwin Arnold and George Cisco grew up in mostly white, rural Jerseyville, Illinois, graduating with…