War Articles | War History

“Sharing my story” – Local veteran served as parts specialist with infantry battalion in Vietnam War

War History online proudly presents this Guest Piece from Jeremy P. Ämick – the author of the upcoming Burnt District Press release “Together as One:…

Operation Drumbeat – U-Boat Happy Days On The USA East Coast

The United States of America took a huge blow at Pearl Harbor in 1941, which prompted them join the war alongside the British. Before that…

The Real Fury: Patton’s Disastrous 1945 Raid to Rescue His Son-in-Law

In February 1943, the U.S. Army had its first major engagement with the forces of Nazi Germany, ending with their disastrous defeat at the Kasserine…

A Bridge Too Far: The Amazing Story of the Battle of Arnhem

Richard Attenborough’s masterful film A Bridge Too Far was adapted from Cornelius Ryan’s book of the same name. It throws the audience into the midst…

Nine Reasons Why The Allies Won The Battle of Britain

The most famous aerial battle in history, the Battle of Britain was a hard fought and desperate struggle to hold back Nazi Germany. Having launched…

‘Scarface’ – The Elite Nazi Commando Who Hitler Sent To Rescue Mussolini

Otto Skorzeny was one of Germany’s finest commandos. An engineer by profession, he tried to volunteer for the Luftwaffe (German Air Force), in the year…

Finding The Voices Of The Veterans – Ann Hamlet Collects The Memoirs Of Veterans For Exciting New Book

War History Online presents this guest article – by Ann Hamlet In the 1950s, with London still battle-scarred from the Blitz, any child would ask their…

When Cadets At The US Air Force Academy Realized Their Janitor Was Medal Of Honor War Hero

Perhaps it was the way he carried himself in an unassuming and humble manner, but day after day hundreds of Air Force Academy cadets would…

Get Out of Jail Free – How Monopoly Helped Allied POWs Escape

Imagine the following scenario: you’re with the Allies during WWII. Fortunately, your side eventually won. Unfortunately, you’ve ended up in a Nazi POW camp before…

The Ship’s Cook Who Took Over A .50-Caliber Machine Gun To Fight The Japanese At Pearl Harbor

World War 2 will long be remembered as the epitome of total war, total gallantry, and total brutality. It spared none based on their ethnic…

“What we went through” – James Belshe, WWII Veteran Earns Purple Heart for Injury Sustained in the Philippines

War History Online proudly presents this Guest Article by military historian Jeremy P. Amick. “Seventy-something years ago,” described Eldon, Mo., veteran James Belshe, a “wide-eyed…

The WW2 Raid on Amiens Prison – A Rescue Mission Which Turned Into A Bloodbath

Operation Jericho was an air raid conducted by the RAF with the goal of freeing the captives of the Nazi-held Amiens prison in France. The…