War Articles | War History

Harold Ackroyd – A Selfless WWI Medic with More than 20 Separate VC Recommendations

David Herold

Life in war is never easy. Watching your fellow soldiers and friends fighting for their lives and suffering serious wounds – physically and mentally – can be…

In WW2, Peter Rupp Saved 14 American Soldiers from Certain Death at the Hands of the Nazis

Reg Jans

Twenty-four hours after the start of the Battle of the Bulge, a horrific chain of events began to unfold in the tiny Belgian town of…

Where Patton Awarded McAuliffe: The 101st Airborne HQ Chateau in Bastogne Revisited

In this Dakota Hunter Blog, you will read about an insane plan that the Germans deployed in a final effort to break the imminent Allied…

The Angels of Mons – How Religion Helped Boost the Morale of British Troops in WWI

On 23rd of August, 1914, the British Expeditionary Force was faced with its first real challenge ― the Battle of Mons. Before the battle, the…

Doughboys on the Juvigny Plateau, 1918 – Guest Blog by Dr. Paul Dean

War History Online presents this guest article by Dr. Paul Dean World War I is a forgotten war for most Americans. Few in America can name…

How Caesar Defeated 250,000 Gaulish Warriors Coming At Them From Two Sides With Only 60,000 Legionnaires

Julius Caesar’s Gallic Wars had been raging for over five years when his legions faced their greatest test at the double siege of Alesia, a…

Clem Dowler Went From B-17 Ball Turret Gunner To Guerilla Fighter

Author: McKay Smith In the summer of 1944, Clem Dowler went from serving in the U.S. Army Air Corps to fighting alongside the Office of Strategic…

The First Siege of Tobruk: Nazi Germany’s First Defeat on Land

The first victory against the German army in World War Two did not come in Western Europe or amid the ruins of the eastern front.…

Le Paradis – Where the SS Murdered 97 British Prisoners on May 27th 1940

In 1940, members of the British military were slaughtered – after they had surrendered to German forces. Two survived, but no one believed their story.…

Nancy Wake, in WWII – Freedom Fighter, Allied Agent and The Gestapo’s Most Wanted

The books and moments of history are filled with memorable names, courageous figures, and moments of sheer ingenuity. Yet not all names are as well…

John Baskeyfield VC: A Mighty Hero of the WW2 Battle of Arnhem

As a civilian, John Baskeyfield spent his time as a butcher, but during the Battle of Arnhem, he turned his skills to a different type…

The Six Men Who Were Behind the July 20th Plot to Assassinate Hitler

The July 20th Plot to assassinate Hitler in his Eastern Prussian Headquarters, called the Wolf’s Lair, was probably the closest anyone got to really killing…