War Articles | War History

Reinhard Heydrich, Head of the Gestapo, Who Hitler Called “The Man with the Iron Heart”

Few men in all of human history have been responsible for such monstrous acts as Reinhard Heydrich. The head of the Gestapo, the Nazi secret police,…

Hannibal of Carthage – The Greatest Opponent Rome Ever Faced

The Carthaginian General Hannibal was the greatest opponent Rome faced. He repeatedly defeated the Romans in battle, most famously at Cannae in 216 BC. For…

Battle of Busan Perimeter, The First Major Conflict In The Korean War

Busan Perimeter The Battle of Busan Perimeter took place in the fall of 1950 and was one of the first major conflicts of the Korean…

Napoleon Bonaparte: A military life – one of the most successful generals in military history

Napoleon Bonaparte was one of the most successful generals in military history. Through skill as a military commander, he made himself the ruler of a…

The largest American military operation of the First World War – The Meuse-Argonne Offensive

The Meuse-Argonne Offensive was the largest American military operation of the First World War. Engaging over a million American soldiers throughout the last months of…

Great Disasters of the First World War

The First World War is regarded by many with horror. Ill-considered tactics, stubborn persistence, and a lack of understanding of how war was changing led…

The Only Combat Soldier To Be Awarded The Victoria Cross Twice

When you have thrown on your first Victoria Cross, you have entered an elite fraternity in the history of war that commands the respect of…

The Only Combat Soldier To Be Awarded The Victoria Cross Twice

When you have thrown on your first Victoria Cross, you have entered an elite fraternity in the history of war that commands the respect of…

In WW2, The British Fought To Capture The Island Of Madagascar From The French

When most people think of World War II and the wide array of geographical spots the war reached, they don’t generally think of Madagascar. However,…

Presumed Dead After Heroic Action In 1944, Air Force Academy Janitor Awarded Medal Of Honor From Reagan in 1984

Perhaps it was the way he carried himself in an unassuming and humble manner, but day after day hundreds of Air Force Academy cadets would…

Napoleon – one of the most influential generals in history

Napoleon Bonaparte was one of the most influential generals in history. Combining the ideas of the foremost military theorists of his era with the study…

On Crucifix Hill, Captain Bobbie Brown Destroyed Three Enemy Bunkers And Was Awarded The Medal of Honor

On October 8th, 1944, Bobbie Brown did indeed have a prerogative, and that was to single-handedly destroy three German bunkers on a heavily fortified hill…