War Articles | War History

Some Of The Deadliest Battles Of The American Civil War

The American Civil War is a devastating mark on the history of America. The number of lives lost was substantial, and the social and economic…

How Artillery Evolved During The Brutal And Merciless 100 Years War

Andrew Knighton

The Hundred Years War (1337-1453) saw the first appearances of gunpowder artillery in English and French warfare. These fearsome weapons, which had been largely unused…

In WW2, The Germans Planned To Attack New York City With Radioactive Sand

It is WWII. Hitler wants Americans to know what war feels like, so he orders the bombing of US cities. More specifically, he wants them…

Bellum Gallicum – Rome’s Greatest Conqueror In His Greatest War – Caesar’s Gaulish Campaign

The Roman invasion of Gaul was one of the most significant wars in the ancient world. It saw Rome’s empire vastly expand, propelled Julius Caesar…

Massacre: The Day The SS Wiped Out The Entire French Village Of Oradour-sur-Glane

Colin Fraser

On December 9, 2014, a German court in Cologne dropped the multiple charges of murder and accessory to murder against an 88-year-old man named Werner…

A Rumble In The Jungle: The Secret Story Of Force 136 – Commandos In WW2

By Catherine Clement – Curator, Chinese Canadian Military Museum There are not many WWII stories that ended up advancing the civil rights of an entire community.…

Learning Lessons The Hard Way – The Battle Of Neuve Chapelle, 1915

To the casual observer, it seems that no-one learned anything during the First World War. The same disastrous tactics were repeated over and over again…

He Fought So Bravely, Even The Captured Enemy Soldiers Gathered Round To Congratulate Him

Jeff Edwards

One might presume a nickname such as ‘Fats” was given as an insult, but when you find out a little bit more about the man…

Shooting Down 7 Aircraft In One Day, This Marine Was Awarded The Medal Of Honor On His First Mission

Jeff Edwards

Lieutenant James Swett wasn’t the only man to become an Ace in one day during the war and nor was he the only Ace to…

When Spartacus and His Renegade Gladiators Gave the Romans All They Could Handle

The War of Spartacus was violent and disturbing. Gladiators and other slaves were fighting for what modern society views as the inalienable right to freedom.…

Medal Of Honor: Destroying Two Enemy Bunkers Alone, Sgt. Garcia Saved His Platoon In The Jungles Of Vietnam

Jeff Edwards

We all need stories about heroes fighting through a seemingly hopeless situation, and the grit it takes to get yourself and your friends to safety. Such…

Heroic American Crew Fought off 17 Enemy Planes in ‘Cursed’ B-17 Bomber “Old 666”

Jeff Edwards

When you see the number “666” on the tail number of a plane, it is entirely understandable if you opt to stay on the ground. …