War Articles | War History

Enemies Within And Without – Caligula, Arminius and Vercingetorix – Most Hated Men Of Ancient Rome

Rome hated a lot of people over the thousands of years it held power, so this list is far from comprehensive, feel free to add…

This German Officer Sacrificed His Life In A Minefield To Save An American Soldier

October 7, 1994, saw a strange sight over the Hürtgen War Cemetery in Hürtgen, Germany. The cemetery is the final home of 3001 bodies –…

How The Stringbag, an Outdated Biplane, Took Out the Gigantic Battleship Bismarck in the Second World War

The German battleship, Bismarck, was one of the biggest vessels ever built in the first half of the 20th century. A marvel of advanced engineering…

John Reginald Gorman – The Amazing Irish Kamikaze, Busting Tanks In WW2

In WWII, the Germans had a reputation for their formidable technology. What they did not consider, however, was the formidable Irish reputation for bullishness. John…

Amazing German Aviator Who Escaped From a British PoW Camp and Died Exploring A Patagonian Glacier

Colin Fraser

Gunther Plüschow was a man of singular talents, feats, and ambition. In the English-speaking world, we might have heard of his escape from a POW…

When He Ran Out of Grenades He Started Throwing Empty Bottles and Was Awarded the Victoria Cross

Jeff Edwards

War tends to favor those with initiative and ingenuity and for Victoria Cross recipient Bill Speakman, he would evidently possess both.  Some might think when…

The WW2 Battle Of North Cape, And The Utter Destruction Of The German Battleship Scharnhorst

Jack Beckett

It was wholly dark. In the sea north of Tromsø in Norway, the great German battleship Scharnhorst was on a mission to sink an Allied…

The Human Bomb – Jumped From Stricken B-17 Without A Parachute And Survived

In 1943, an American airman participated in the bombing spree of a French town, resulting in incredible devastation. The man wasn’t satisfied, however, so he…

Charity Edna Adams – the Highest Ranking African-American Woman During WWII

During WWII, the US did its best to maintain the flow of mail to its troops in Europe. Unfortunately, most able-bodied workers were either fighting…

From The Scottish Highlands to the Heart of London – Important War History Sites of Britain

If you’re British (or even if you’re just visiting Great Britain), don’t miss out on some of these interesting, moving and all-around fascinating war-related sites.…

The Devil of Rabaul: Japanese Ace of Aces With 88 Kills Who Died in the Passenger Seat

“In the ocean of the military, reflective of all distinguished pilots, an honored Buddhist person.” So translates the name awarded to Japanese pilot Hiroyoshi Nishizawa…

A Fatal Failing Of Intelligent Leadership in the Vietnam War – The Battle Of Lima Site 85

There is a remote mountaintop in north-eastern Laos called Phou Phathi, and the locals said it was a place where phi, or spirits, lived. By…