War Articles | War History

Greek Fire: Civil War in the “Cradle of Democracy” After WW2

War History Online Presents this Guest Blog From Alan G. Gauthreaux.  A highly motivated and extremely determined Greek army descended on communist guerrillas on three sides…

Forget Robin Hood: Meet the Mad Major Who Charged Ashore With Bow, Arrow & Longsword

David Herold

History is full of heroes, but how many of them have carved their name into history with bow and arrow, at least in modern times?After…

Abdul Hafiz, The Indian Muslim Recipient of the Victoria Cross, Killed Aged 18

Jeff Edwards

In the modern era, the age of 18 is often considered the point at which one is expected to branch out from the home and…

We Examine The Essential Facts About The Battle of the Somme

One of the most destructive events of the First World War, the Battle of the Somme was a 142-day campaign including a series of smaller…

Medal Of Honor: Destroying Two Enemy Bunkers Alone, Sgt. Garcia Saved His Platoon In The Jungles Of Vietnam

Jeff Edwards

We all need stories about heroes fighting through a seemingly hopeless situation, and the grit it takes to get yourself and your friends to safety. Such…

Le Paradis – Where the SS Murdered 97 British Prisoners on May 27th 1940

In 1940, members of the British military were slaughtered – after they had surrendered to German forces. Two survived, but no one believed their story.…

In WW2, Peter Rupp Saved 14 American Soldiers from Certain Death at the Hands of the Nazis

Reg Jans

Twenty-four hours after the start of the Battle of the Bulge, a horrific chain of events began to unfold in the tiny Belgian town of…

The Battle of Crete Was The Reason Hitler Abandoned Parachute Assaults For Good

Crete might be an idyllic tourist island now, but during a 12-day period in May 1941 a mixed force of British, Australian, New Zealand and…

The Murky Fate Of Gestapo Chief And Nazi War Criminal Heinrich Müller

A veil of mystery follows the name “Heinrich Muller” since his disappearance in 1945, after the fall of Berlin. Mueller was the head of Gestapo…

Adolf Eichmann, the Evil Architect of the Holocaust in WW2

Adolf Eichmann, one of the chief architects of the Holocaust, became an infamous figure after his heavily publicized trial and execution in Israel in 1962.…

We Examine The Key Facts About The Vietnam War

Elly Farelly

The Vietnam War (1 November 1955 – 30 April 1975) was also known as the Second Indochina War. In Vietnam, it was called Kháng chiến…

Constantinople: Holding The Walls At All Costs

At dawn, the leaders of the defence gazed out west from the walls of Constantinople. The two Byzantine commanders, Bonus and Sergius, did not speak…