War Articles | War History

Church of Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard’s War Against the Sea… And Mexico

Lafayette Ronald Hubbard (often referred to as “L. Ron Hubbard” or simply as “LRH”) was the controversial founder of an even more controversial religion –…

Sammy L. Davis: The Real Forrest Gump, Who Was Awarded the Medal of Honor for his Heroic Actions in Vietnam

While it might be disappointing to find out that there was no single individual who became a football star at Alabama, received the Medal of…

Wargaming and Warner Bros. have partnered in support of Christopher Nolan’s epic action thriller “Dunkirk”

Players Will “Remember Dunkirk” With Wargaming’s Suite of WWII Action Video Games. In support of the upcoming epic action thriller Dunkirk, written and directed by…

When Pirates Kidnapped Julius Caesar He Laughed at Their Ransom Demands and Told Them To Ask for More

Long ago a 25-year-old Roman author, poet, priest, and aristocrat was kidnapped by pirates. Rather than plead for his release, however, he ordered them to…

Legion Vs Phalanx: Two Powerhouse Formations of Ancient Warfare

The organization from Homeric style hero warfare to tightly packed hoplite warfare was world changing. This powerful Hellenic formation allowed the ancient Greeks to hold…

The Tide Turns On The Unstoppable Mongol Invasion

There are few military forces more infamous and renowned in history than the Mongolian armies of the 13th Century. They swept through Asia and into…

Operation Tiger – Forgotten WWII Excersise That Turned Into A Catastrophe

Waqas Ali

Operation Overlord was the biggest offensive planned by the Western Allies against the Nazis, who had overrun most of Europe. Decisive action was necessary so…

The Most Effective Female Spies of the American Civil War

Rose Greenhow Just before Virginia’s secession, the governor of that state John Letcher wanted to set up a spy network while he was still able…

How Prize Thoroughbred Horses Were Rescued After Germany’s Surrender in WWII

Ian Harvey

In the last days of World War II, a secret operation was approved by General George Patton to rescue 500 of Europe’s finest thoroughbred horses.…

The Gulf of Tonkin – How The US Worked Its Way Into The Vietnam Conflict

Ten years after the disastrous defeat of the French Army in its former Asian colony of Indochina, the divided Vietnam once again captured the world’s…

Sparta’s Hoplite Warriors: The Most Influential Ancient Military Force

Today, many individuals connect Sparta with a few movies and then dismiss the influential historical city as something of little importance. However, Sparta’s strict military…

Bad Leadership, Old Tactics, and Modern Hardware Cause Carnage on the Eastern Front in the First World War

The Brusilov offensive was Russia’s greatest military triumph of World War One, but also the scene of one of that nation’s most misguided and disastrous…