War Articles | War History

The Death of Erwin Rommel: The Last Hours Of The Desert Fox

Ovidiu Popa

Erwin Rommel was, for a time, Hitler’s favorite general. After his success in 1940, as the commander of a Panzer division, Rommel was appointed to…

Al-Andalus, a Melting Pot of Faiths in the Iberian Peninsula

Waqas Ali

Jewish people have often faced persecution throughout history, and across many states. At the start of the 8th century, the technologically and numerically superior Muslims…

Remembering The Many Through The Story Of One – by Chap. (Maj.) Thomas A. Brooks

War History online proudly presents this Guest Piece from Chap. (Maj.) Thomas A. Brooks. Remember – Memorial Day is a time to remember the ordinary…

He Crashed his Plane to Save a Friend and Was Awarded the Medal Of Honor

Between November 27th, and December 13th, 1950, 30,000 United Nations troops fought a desperate defense while surrounded by 120,000 Chinese soldiers. The U.N. troops were part…

The Development of the Soviet Union’s La-5 Fighter in WWII

Author: Patrick Kinville In the Summer of 1943, the German Luftwaffe encountered the Soviet Lavochkin La-5 for the first time in large numbers in the skies…

Be Thankful For Modern Medicine – The Army Itch And Other Scary Civil War Maladies

Disease accounted for the deaths of 65% of Union soldiers and 62% of Confederates during the Civil War. Those high numbers beat out all other…

The Battle Of Britain, The Most Famous Aerial Battle In History

The most famous aerial battle in history, the Battle of Britain was a hard fought and desperate struggle to hold back Nazi Germany. Having launched…

Alvin York, Who Single-Handedly Captured 132 Enemy Soldiers In World War One

Sergeant Alvin York was seemingly born to a hardscrabble existence and anonymity in death, but World War One changed that forever. The story of York is…

This Gigantic Submarine Factory Couldn’t Even Be Destroyed By The 22,000 lb Grand Slam Bomb

Erich Friedrich Michael Lackner is considered to be one of the most influential engineers of the last century. He developed a revolutionary type of concrete…

The Roman Army – Mighty War Machine Of The Ancient World

The Roman army is often remembered as a highly professional force, with legionaries in segmented armour organised into centuries for close order combat. In reality, the…

The Worst American General Ever: “A General Who Never Won a Battle or Lost a Court-Martial”

The Title of “worst general in U.S. History” is certainly not one to aspire to, but where there have been the greats like Patton and…

Deadliest Battles Of The American Civil War

The American Civil War is a devastating mark on the history of America. The number of lives lost was substantial, and the social and economic…