War Articles | War History

Incredible Story Of Jacksonville Man Who Was A Hero of the Warsaw Uprising

Stanley Rozycki was 17 and serving in the Polish Underground State when the Warsaw Uprising began on August 1, 1944. The goal of the uprising…

The History of the Red Poppy as a Symbol of Remembrance

Volunteers have sold red poppies for many years to raise funds for veterans. Here’s how that tradition began. The red poppy has traditionally been the…

One of the last surviving WWII Lancaster bomber pilots has died aged 92

One of the last surviving Lancaster bomber pilots, 92-year-old Charles Cawthorn of Swindon, Wiltshire, known as Charlie Boy, died last month in the town’s Great…

Life in Australia During World War Two

Ian Harvey

Nearly a million Australians, men and women, served in World War II. As the war started, those serving overseas were subject to the horrors of…

Book release: The Jagged Edge of Duty by Robert L. Richardson – Read the First Chapter

On April 14, Stackpole Books, a major publisher of books related to World War II aviation and Air Force aviation history, will release “The Jagged…

33 Facts About Hitler’s Invasion of the Soviet Union

A quick look at the invasion of the Soviet Union by Nazi Germany in 33 facts: 1. The invasion of the Soviet Union was the most…

A U.S. General’s Secret Mission To Occupied Rome To Discuss The Italian Surrender

General Tylor’s diplomatic and language skills resulted in his secret mission to Rome to coordinate an 82nd Airborne para drop with Italian forces. General Dwight…

Government Forced To Change War History Exhibition Name After Public Outcry

What is in a name? A lot, as the government of Singapore quickly learned on Feb. 16 with the opening of the ‘Syonan Gallery: War…

Rome’s Greatest Enemies – Five People Who Fought Back Against the Empire

At its height, the Roman Empire spanned huge swathes of Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. Their military prowess, groundbreaking use of strategy and enormous…

A Battle That Changed The Course of the Vietnam War – Hamburger Hill

The Battle for Hamburger Hill left such a big mark on the American psyche that it has appeared in films, documentary series, video games and…

22 Incredible Images Of Crashed Luftwaffe Planes During The Battle of Britain

During the Battle of Britain, it is estimated that the Royal Air Force shot down 1887 German planes. Some planes crashed nose-first into the ground…

1917: How One Year Changed The World Opens March 17 At The National Museum Of American Jewish History In Philadelphia

Co-organized by the American Jewish Historical Society in New York  Exhibition is first to illustrate how three events of a single year—America’s entry into World…