War Articles | War History

Woody Harrelson’s Amazing Live Movie Experiment Is Disrupted By WW2 Bomb

Actor and director Woody Harrelson learned how challenging making a movie can be when production on his film in London was delayed after the discovery…

The “Glowing Angels” Who Saved Civil War Soldiers Turned Out To Be Luminous Parasitic Bacteria

The Battle of Shiloh was one of the bloodiest skirmishes in an already vicious American Civil War. In its aftermath, came strange tales of an…

War Cemetery in the Falkland Islands vandalised

Argentina’s foreign ministry has requested the UK to start an investigation following the vandalism of the Virgin of Lujan statue located at the Falkland Islands…

Famous Letter Demanding Surrender At Bastogne Goes On Display in Boston Museum

A museum in Boston has obtained two important World War II documents to add to their large collection of the items from that war. The…

Avro Lancaster bomber “Just Jane” is undergoing careful restoration as a tribute to Bomber Command Veterans

Pride and dedication are going into the restoration of Just Jane, an Avro Lancaster bomber under repair as a memorial to Christopher Patton and other…

Amazing – Dutch Caretaker at Margraten Cemetery is reaching out to lost family of slain WW2 Soldier

Richard Smeets wants to know more about Savas J. Batsos who was killed during World War II in the Netherlands and whose grave he tends.…

Coming Home – Flying Tigers Pilots Who Died in Training during World War Two

The remains of two pilots and a Martinsburg-area man killed in Southeast Asia while training with the Flying Tigers in the Second World War are…

Nine Rules of the medieval Templar Knights

The Order of the Knights Templar was one of the most feared and powerful military institutions of the Middle Ages. Strict rules reinforced their courage,…

Nine factors that saved Rome from the Carthaginian General Hannibal – the greatest opponent Rome ever faced

The Carthaginian General Hannibal was the greatest opponent Rome faced. He repeatedly defeated the Romans in battle, most famously at Cannae in 216 BC. For…

Four Great Disasters of the First World War

The First World War is regarded by many with horror. Ill-considered tactics, stubborn persistence, and a lack of understanding of how war was changing led…

8 changes Napoleon made to warfare – one of the most influential generals in history

Napoleon Bonaparte was one of the most influential generals in history. Combining the ideas of the foremost military theorists of his era with the study…

Napoleon Bonaparte: A military life – one of the most successful generals in military history

Napoleon Bonaparte was one of the most successful generals in military history. Through skill as a military commander, he made himself the ruler of a…