War Articles | War History

Nine Reasons Why The Allies Won The Battle of Britain

The most famous aerial battle in history, the Battle of Britain was a hard fought and desperate struggle to hold back Nazi Germany. Having launched…

Desperate Fighting Underground: The Dramatic Battle Beneath The Trenches Of World War One

The Western Front of the First World War was effectively a massive siege. Both sides sat behind lines of defences, hurling artillery shells and making…

Five Military Innovations From WW1 Which Changed the Face Of War Forever

The First World War saw incredible technological leaps forward. Though the fighting on the Western Front ground down into a terrible, soul-destroying mess, leaps forward…

12 Facts About The Earliest Evolution Of Warfare

Our understanding of ancient warfare is hazy. Written accounts are few and limited in scope. The emergence of war from inter-personal violence is shrouded in…

The Death Of Mussolini, April 28, 1945

On the 28th of  April 1945, Benito Mussolini died. The leader of Fascist Italy and longest-ruling of the right-wing dictators who brought destruction to 20th…

Although Steel Ruled The Waves, Wooden Boats Still Found A Place In WWII

The Second World War saw the advent of modern warfare. Navy fleets began using steel and aluminum aircraft to strike at one another. Submarines patrolled…

Operation Iceberg – The Largest Amphibious Invasion In The Pacific, And The Fight For Okinawa

In Spring 1945, Allied forces were advancing on Japan, and Allied planes were able to bombard her cities. Okinawa, a 70-mile long island 350 miles from…

10 Facts: The Race To Berlin – The Dramatic Closing Stages Of World War Two

The advance on Berlin in early 1945 didn’t only mark the final stage of World War Two in Europe. It also saw the first open…

The Battle of Megiddo: The First Recorded Battle Of Military History

The first battle for which we have a clear historical record took place in the Levant in the 15th century BC. Though we know that…

13 Things Everybody Should Know About the Roman Army

1. Mythical Origins Legends tell that the Roman army began with Romulus, the mythical founder of Rome, and his bodyguard of 300 warriors called the…

Five Great British Inventors Of The First World War

The First World War was a period of unprecedented destruction, but also of previously unmatched creativity. The first truly industrial war, it was founded on…

8 Ways Medieval Crusaders Might Have Thought And Felt About Their Wars

Andrew Knighton

A knight stands on the walls of Jerusalem, staring out at the parched land beyond the city. He is weary from weeks of travel and…