War Articles | War History

Badly Wounded, This Marine Used His Spade To Knock Grenades Back At The Enemy

Jeff Edwards

Hector Cafferatta would describe himself as the world’s worst baseball player, but that didn’t stop him from whacking over a dozen grenades out of the…

With the Enemy Approaching, He Sat Beside His Wounded Comrade, Pulled the Pin on Two Grenades, and Waited

Jeff Edwards

Refusing to leave his mortally wounded comrade as the enemy approached, Australian Warrant Officer Kevin Wheatley pulled the pin on two grenades and waited for…

He’s Called The Ghost, Has The Same Medal Count As Audie Murphy, And Is Virtually Unknown

By the time a man earns seven Purple Hearts and lives to talk about it, he could either be described as one of the luckiest…

Sammy L. Davis: The Real Forrest Gump, Who Was Injured And Awarded the Medal of Honor for Heroic Actions in Vietnam

Jeff Edwards

While it might be disappointing to find out that there was no single individual who became a football star at Alabama, received the Medal of…

Promotion And Controversy – The Meteoric Rise Of US General Mark W. Clark

Jeff Edwards

Granted, many in modern Texas may have never heard of General Mark W. Clark, also known as General Marcus Aurelius Clarkus by his subordinates.  But…

He Fought So Bravely, Even The Captured Enemy Soldiers Gathered Round To Congratulate Him

Jeff Edwards

One might presume a nickname such as ‘Fats” was given as an insult, but when you find out a little bit more about the man…

Heroic American Crew Fought off 17 Enemy Planes in ‘Cursed’ B-17 Bomber “Old 666”

Jeff Edwards

When you see the number “666” on the tail number of a plane, it is entirely understandable if you opt to stay on the ground. …

Para Rescue Jumper Duane Hackney, The Most Decorated Enlisted Man In The History Of The US Air Force

Jeff Edwards

An Air Force Cross, the Silver Star, 4 Distinguished Flying Crosses with a Combat V, 2 Purple Hearts, 18 Air Medals, and ok, we have…

The Troubled Veteran Who Stole An M60A3 Tank And Went Driving Around Town (Watch)

Shawn Nelson, a man of tragic history, stole a tank in 1995 and took to the streets and freeways of San Francisco in an all-out…

The Nurse Who Boosted Britain’s Recruitment Record In WWI

By 1915, WWI was not going well for the British who suffered many casualties. Although many wanted to fight, malnutrition and poor health made them…

Gladiator: The True History Behind The Movie

Are you not entertained? The Gladiator is now seventeen years old, but it has stuck around in modern culture quite well. We know that huge…

We Ask If Alexander The Great Was Macedonian, Greek… Or Both

  Right away this title is going to get a wide variety of reactions. Some people are already angry that anyone could say that Alexander…