War Articles | War History

Land Forces of the Hundred Years War – A War That Seemed To Have No End

Andrew Knighton

Fought from 1337 to 1453, the Hundred Years War was one of the most significant conflicts of the late Middle Ages. As the Plantagenet kings of…

Henry Mucci’s rescue of POWs from Cabanatuan Prison Camp

Ian Harvey

On the face of it, it looked to be a rescue mission with little chance of success. Reports had filtered through of the most terrible…

WW2: Accidental Detonation of 4,000 Tons of Explosives In England Killed 70 and Scarred the Land Forever

On November 27th, 1944, seismologists in Switzerland at first thought it was an earthquake, hardly guessing the seismograph recorded the effects of a massive explosion…

The Longbow: Its Rise and Dominance – It Totally Changed Medieval Warfare

Andrew Knighton

The growing effectiveness of metal armor created a challenge for medieval soldiers. While the elite of knights and men-at-arms were now well protected, the majority…

India Firming Up Plans To Further Expand Navy With Another New Aircraft Carrier

India’s second aircraft carrier will be powered by nuclear energy, the latest report prepared by prominent Defense journalist Ajay Shukla says. The Navy already has…

Author’s Latest Work Tells Tale Of Operation Torch In WWII

Vincent O’Hara has written or co-written eleven books about military history.  Most of them were published by the Naval Institute Press, who named him their…

A Small German Museum Displays A Big Collection Of Uncomfortable Art From The Nazi Era

Scary. Concerning. There are, perhaps, no two adjectives that so accurately describe Nazi art. “Museum Unter Tage” in Bochum is showing Nazi artworks to show…

Thousands March In Red Square To Commemorate Russian Sacrifice In WW2

Russia commemorated the 75th anniversary of the parade in 1941 when Soviet Union soldiers headed for the wartime front lines of WWII. Thousands of Russian…

Incredible Footage: 101st Airborne On The Eve Of D-Day, June 5, 1944

The 101st Airborne Division is a unit of infantry, paratroopers, of the United States Army trained for air assault operations. They were dropped by parachute…

Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck: Leader Of The Greatest Guerrilla Operation Ever – Against The British

Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck has been called the leader of the “greatest single guerrilla operation in history,” by Edwin Palmer Hoyt, an American writer of military…

Harrowing Stories From Iwo Jima: One Man’s Life Onboard A Landing Ship Tank In 1945

Gabe Christy

Iwo Jima is a small island in the Southeast Pacific; rocky and dominated by a large volcano on its southern peninsula. Today, there is no…

Project Acoustic Kitty – The CIA’s Top Secret Spy Cats Project

Shahan Russell

When Seal Team Six killed Osama Bin Laden in 2011, they did not do it alone. They had help from a Belgian Malinois dog named…