War Articles | War History

Sergeant Stubby: The Most Decorated Dog of The First World War

Dogs are often regarded as man’s best friend. They are loyal animals, can be very protective and can be trained to do many tasks. For…

A Weird Wehrmacht Vehicle – Half Tank, Half Motorbike – This Is The Kettenkrad

A vehicle designated SdKfz 2 was an interesting part of the Wehrmacht arsenal. The “tracked motorcycle,” commonly named in the German Army as the Kettenkrad,…

How The Cowboy Capital Honored Veterans On Veterans Day 2016

Stephenville, The Cowboy Capital of the World, honored veterans this Veterans Day, 2016, at the Erath County Courthouse in the center of this small, but…

National World War I Museum And Memorial Celebrates 10-Year Anniversary By Saying “Thank You”

National World War I Museum The newly Congressional-designated National World War I Museum opened to critical acclaim in 2006. Ten years and more than 2…

Creating Hacksaw Ridge – An Incredible Set Built From Scratch For The Movie

To tell the authentic story of Desmond Doss, the conscientious objector awarded the Medal of Honour for rescuing 75 soldiers during the Battle of Okinawa,…

Newly Released Graphic WWII Footage Of Flamethrower Use Shows The Brutal Reality Of The War

Evidence of just how brutal World War II could be is still coming to light 70 years after it ended.  Video footage of the Australian…

Shocking Footage Of Nukes Being Tested On Marines (Watch)

The most terrible weapon ever created is, of course, the nuclear bomb. During the Second World War, both the Allies and Nazi Germany were working…

Letters Give A Glimpse Of Second World War Life From A Different Perspective

American Second World War veteran Army Sergeant Donald Kimple had many stories he could’ve told based on his unique experiences as personal secretary to the…

The American WWII Veteran Who Befriended The Toddler Next Door – The Pair Became An Online Sensation

Erling Kindem, a World War II veteran from Farmington, Minnesota, became an internet sensation when he developed a friendship with the toddler that lived next door.…

Female WW2 Spy Who Kept Her Wartime Work Secret For Fifty Years Is Honored At Last

Wives do not always tell their husbands everything. In the case of Becky White she had a good reason not to.  She had been a…

5 Facts – The Famous Civil War General Of The American South – Stonewall Jackson (Watch)

While the most famous Southern general of the American Civil War was undoubtedly Robert E Lee, another man who came close behind him was Thomas…

Arab Women Shame Their Fleeing Men Back Towards the Fight At The Battle of Yarmouk

Most people are familiar with the general history of the Arab expansion after the death of Mohammad. The Arabs didn’t sit idly in Saudi Arabia,…