War Articles | War History

100 Years On From The Battle Of The Somme (Watch)

On July 1, 1916, at 7:30 am, the British infantry began their advance toward the trenches of the Germans. For the first few hours, eight…

The Best Take Off Scene EVER: 18 B-25 Mitchell Bombers Take To The Sky (Watch)

This scene from the movie Catch-22 is the best “take off” scene ever! Catch-22 is a 1970 American satirical black comedy-drama war film adapted from…

The SAS: WW2 Pioneers of Guerilla Warfare Whose Exploits Have Long Remained Secret

The Special Air Service has been talked about in whispered voices for 75 years.  What it accomplished in World War II has barely been recognized,…

US Detention Camps in WWII Denied Japanese-Americans Basic Rights

Governors and representatives of 10 states in the western US met on April 7, 1942, with Milton S. Eisenhower, the director of the War Relocation…

88-Years Old And Still Brave – WW2 Veteran Performs One Last Parachute Jump

Ian Harvey

George O’Brien, 88, has bravery in abundance considering that as a WWII paratrooper he disliked jumping out of airplanes. He was terrified the first, second,…

Doors Opened On Secret Chinese Nuclear Plant – It Looks Like Something Out Of A Sci-Fi Movie (Watch)

Ian Harvey

At one time the subterranean nuclear base in southwest China’s Chongqing municipality was a closely held secret. Built to produce plutonium-239, 816 Nuclear Military Plant…

WW1 German U-Boat Discovered On The Seafloor – The Crew Said A Sea Monster Attacked Them

Scottish marine Engineers were laying undersea power cables when they came across the wreck of a World War I German U-boat sunk almost 100 years…

List of Japanese-Cubans Held in World War II Internment Camps Released

A Japanese-Cuban man who was sent to a Cuban internment camp during World War II found a list of the 350 people that were interned…

The Blockade Camp: How and Why the Romans Penned Their Enemies In

One of the most important tools of the Roman army, the blockade camp, was classic Roman engineering under fire. What Was a Blockade Camp? On…

7 Medical Innovations Brought About By The American Civil War

During the American Civil War, technology moved at a rapid pace. A war fought on America’s soil was the perfect breeding ground for innovations, particularly…

Five “A- List” Battles of the American Civil War – The Most Decisive Battles Of The War

According to the Civil War Sites Advisory Commission (CWSA), the many battles fought during the American Civil War can be categorized according to how significant…

4 Roman Emperors Who Died in Battle, From The End Of The Roman Empire To Byzantium

Though Roman Emperors occasionally did fight while out on campaigns, it was often a major shock if they were wounded or killed. If an emperor…