VIDEO | War History

Revisiting the WW2 Battle For Arnhem: The Epic Movie Theirs is the Glory (Watch)

Theirs is the Glory is a British war film, made in 1946, that covers the Battle of Arnhem and the part played by the British…

Pointe Du Hoc From Above – Where The Americans Captured The High Ground On D-Day (Watch)

Pointe du Hoc is on the coast of Normandy (Northern France) and overlooks the English Channel. The German army had control of this crucial area…

Sergeant York – Captured 132 German Soldiers Pretty Much Single Handed In WWI – Battle Scene

Sergeant Alvin York was seemingly born to a hardscrabble existence and anonymity in death, but World War One changed that forever. The story of York is…

Landing On Leyte During The Philippines Campaign Of World War 2 – Amazing Color Video

In 1942, the Japanese invaded and occupied the Philippines. Two years later, United States forces began their liberation. This was known as the Battle of…

Battlefield I Weapons Are Accurate in Every Detail

The makers of Battlefield I have put a lot of work into this new game that gives players the virtual experience of handling World War…

Fast And Adaptable – The Stridsvagn 103 – Sweden’s Turretless Tank

A turretless tank? Surely, that is an assault gun or a tank destroyer? Not in this case. The Stridsvagn 103 – popularly known as the…

Top 10 Misconceptions About World War I (Watch)

In 1914, tensions between the nations of Europe exploded into a war the likes of which the world had never seen. For four long years,…

Harrowing Vintage American Footage From The Battle of the Bulge (Watch)

As the Second World War drew towards its final year, with the Allied forces pushing further into Occupied Europe, Germany launched their last major offensive.…

This Plane Was Going At Mach 3+, The Amazing SR-71 Blackbird

Joris Nieuwint

Imagine a plane that could travel at three times the speed of sound. That’s 1,030 meters every second or 1.03 kilometers (.65 miles)! The United…

Nail-Biting Gulf War Footage Of An F-16 Dodging SAM Missiles Over Iraq

Check out this amazing video of an F-16, callsign Stroke 3, dodging six SAM launches during Desert Storm. The Gulf War, which lasted from 2…

Five Facts – Ulysses S. Grant: Hero Of Two Wars, Author, And 18th President Of The United States (Watch)

A great general and a divisive president, Ulysses S. Grant was born on April 27th, 1822. He fought first in the Mexican-American War, but found…

This Amazing Corsair Display Shows Why The Japanese Feared The “Whistling Death”

What was the role of the Corsair in World War 2? You are about to find out with this video. The Corsair was manufactured by…