VIDEO | War History

Firing The Biggest Gun Of WWII, The 80cm Railway Gun ‘Schwerer Gustav’ (Watch)

Schwerer Gustav – This was the name given to a German 80 cm railway gun, a huge piece of artillery designed to be shot from…

Breathtaking Color Footage of Erwin Rommel & Afrika Korps (watch)

Jack Beckett

Having gained a solid reputation as a military savant of the highest order, Rommel was promoted to Lieutenant General and placed in command of the…

WWII Rare Footage of German Heavy Panzerkampfwagen Tiger Tank

The Tiger Tank was without a doubt the most feared tank by the Allied forces during the Second World War. The thing that made this…

Nerves of Steel! Pilot Waits Until The Very Last Second To Eject Burning Harrier

After an uneventful mission over Afganistan, two Harrier Jump jets came in to land back at Kandahar. Because it was very busy they were told…

10 Myths about the Nazis

Many myths have grown up around the infamous Nazi Party which led Germany into war, and plunged the world into global conflict. Some of these…

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Adolf Hitler (Watch)

In 1907 a young man walked into the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, Austria. Under his arm, he carried a portfolio of some of…

What if? Japan Had Not Attacked Pearl Harbor

Pearl Harbor was one of the major turning points of World War II. Japan’s devastating attack was a surprise assault, resulting in the loss of…

This Documentary About The Human Cost Of WWII Will Leave You Speechless

This thought provoking visualization will show you what the human cost was during World War Two. It sums not just the military deaths but also…

Russia: Drone Captures Tanks Pushed To Their Limits (Watch)

This footage from a drone is taken in Russia and shows the Suvorov Onslaught International Army Games. These military ‘Olympic-style’ games occur every year. Different…

Stunning Color Footage Of The Battle of the Bulge

Prior to the Battle of the Bulge, a line, 88 miles long, was drawn by Allied officers throughout the Ardennes region. The Ardennes lies in…

FG-42 vs M1 Garand: 2-Gun Action Match (Watch)

For this month’s 2-Gun Action Challenge Match, we had a .308 FG-42, loaned from SMG Guns, which I handed off to my friend Karl to…

Have You Seen This? Snoopy & Charlie Brown Honoring The D-Day Sacrifice (Watch)

This amazing cartoon is called “What Have We Learned, Charlie Brown? A Tribute”. It’s an animated television special based upon the comic strip Peanuts, by…