World War 1 | War History

WWI Treasure To Be Salvaged From British Shipwreck Sunk by U-Boat

In 1997 2,000 bottles of champagne (1907 vintage) were salvaged from the wreck of a Swedish vessel sunk by a U-boat. An expedition is currently…

Basket Case, Strafe & Cooties: WWI Slang Still in Use Today

Jay Hemmings

“Shrapnel” is a term that did not originate in WWI, but which was certainly popularized by the war. For better or worse, the First World…

The Battle of Le Cateau: Britain’s Bloody Nose in WWI

The colours of dusk had begun to paint the skies above them, and the bodies of these men begged for a wink of sleep. The…

Wiped Out up to 50 Million, Spanish Flu Carried to Europe by US Troops Heading for the Trenches of WWI

Jay Hemmings

The weaker patients had a higher chance of survival. It was the young and healthy that experienced a higher mortality rate. While Denmark remained neutral…

Churchill’s Catastrophe: The Disaster Before Gallipoli

Billy Moncure

On November 3, 1914, before the United Kingdom even officially declared war on the Ottomans, Churchill ordered bombardments to begin. The European Great Powers had…

Big Ego, Love Him or Hate Him But MacArthur Lead From the Front in WWI

American generals and forces were under tremendous pressure to show that their arrival in Europe was not just full of promise, but a real contribution.…

Spielberg and Mendes to Shoot new WW1 Movie

An application requesting permission to temporarily use Govan Graving Docks in Glasgow for movie production has been approved by the Glasgow City Council. The planned…

Wounded Four Times The WW1 Carrier Pigeon That Flew to the Rescue

The bird was in awful condition, having been hit in the breast, lost one eye, gotten a bullet hole in her wing, and had a…

Rin Tin Tin: The WW1 Dog Who Became a Film Star.

Ruslan Budnik

Throughout his career as an actor, Rin Tin Tin acted as a wolf many times, primarily because it was much easier for directors to work…

The Time When WW1 Veterans Turned a Peace Day Into a Riot!

Jay Hemmings

It is estimated that out of the whole population of the city, one person in fifty was killed in the war. When the Peace Treaty…

Did You Know Houdini Taught US Soldiers How to Survive a Torpedoed Ship

“My heart is in this work, for it is not a question of “Will we lose.” We must win, and that is all there is…

Battlefield Babe: The Eight Year Old Soldier Of WWI

Jay Hemmings

He had a special child-sized uniform tailored for him, and was promoted to the rank of corporal after he participated in the Battle of Cer.…