World War 1 | War History

D-Day Darlings Keep the Magic Alive

The D-Day Darlings were formed ten years ago by Katie Ashbury and have been immensely successful performing at numerous military events, including The Legion’s Festival…

German U-Boats and Ending the “Filibuster” in Congress

When Woodrow Wilson put forth his proposal to arm American merchant vessels in February of 1917 his reasoning was simple and straightforward:  the threat of…

Lost and Found: WWI Hero’s Grave Located

The final resting place of Major Octavius Sidney Darby-Griffith MC, from Britain’s Loyal North Lancashire Regiment, has finally been marked 100 years after his death…

From Journey’s End to the Dam Busters – Review by Mark Barnes

I am late to the party with this one but there is no harm done. I reviewed the marvellous film adaptation of Journey’s End towards…

Keeping the Past Alive – Oral History of the U.S. Navy

The U.S. Naval Institute’s Oral History program started in March 1969 by Dr. John T. Mason, a former U.S Navy officer.  Mason had conducted interviews…

After Dunkirk – The French Fallout

At the onset of World War II, France fortified its northern and eastern borders by building the Maginot Line. After the catastrophe that was World…

Pre-Dreadnought Battleships in World War One

When the British Royal Navy launched the HMS Dreadnought in 1906, battleship design was transformed. This one ship was so powerful that everything preceding it…

Dog Tags – Lost and Found

They began with little more than an administrative importance but immediately became the dearest of keepsakes. The trifling piece of identification that would eventually morph…

Naval Battle of Elli: Greeks Defeat the Ottomans

Although few major military conflicts occurred in the decade preceding World War I, the Balkan Wars initiated the fall of the Ottoman Empire were a…

New Exclusive Tours Explore Battlefields of World Wars in France

The National WWII Museum is taking travelers to the battlefields of France – which saw combat during World War I and World War II –…

Artillery Beasts – Railway Guns in 33 pictures

The idea of creating a huge-caliber gun on a railway platform dates from the 1800s when trains revolutionized the transport industry, but these Goliaths reached…

ANZAC “History War” Debates Australia’s Role

War history is often a hotly-debated subject, and this is particularly true among historians in Australia, where “history wars” persist years and decades after the…