World War 1 | War History

The Race to the Sea On Western Front In The First World War

The Western Front of WWI was fought mainly from defensive positions. They were not pre-built fortresses or border defenses. The boundary between the two sides…

6 Great Aviators of WWI – They Were Pioneers of the New Super Weapon

The First World War saw the birth of aerial combat. Initially used to provide reconnaissance for ground forces, biplanes soon started fighting each other above…

The Abandoned Mines At Messines – Over 1 Million Tons of Explosives – 20 have detonated, but 5 remain

Greg Jackson

In 1917, the world was engulfed in war. For the first time, the economics of industry had been applied to warfare on a huge scale.…

The Oldest Commando Of WWII – 73 Year Old Walter Cowan Of Course, Oh, He Was Also In WWI

When fifteen-year-old Walter Henry Cowan became a Royal Navy trainee in 1884, Great Britain was the dominant naval force in the world. The boy had…

The Man Who Spared A Wounded Hitler’s Life In WWI – And Changed The World Forever

Jeff Edwards

The History of War will always be about that which we know for certain, that which we have reason to believe, and that which will…

Tanga Fiasco: Poorly Led British Defeated By Germans, And Bees

In the sweltering heat of East Africa, the British received one of their first defeats of World War One. The attempt to seize the port…

French And British Tanks Changed The Face Of Warfare In WWI, But Germany Did Not Realise Their Value Until The End Of The War

During WWI, military designers created the first tanks which changed the face of warfare. Not every nation, however, embraced them with the same level of…

An Unprecedented And Terrifying Weapon – Gas Arrives On The Battlefields Of World War One

Few weapons create as deep a sense of horror as poison gas. Its arrival on the battlefields of WWI brought horrendous injuries and appalling deaths…

Massive Black Tom Explosion: Imperial Germany’s Secret Sabotage & Terrorist Attacks on America

When Al Qaeda destroyed New York City’s World Trade Center in 2001, many thought it was the first terrorist attack on US soil. They were…

Over There: US Army World War One Footage in Color

During the First and Second World Wars, the defining factions in both conflicts were the Allies and their opponents; the Kaiser and his forces in…

Stuck into a muddy river bank, somewhere in Serbia, lies an old, derelict gravel barge. The Once-Mighty Warship Which Fired The First Shots Of WWI

Colin Fraser

Stuck into a muddy river bank, somewhere in Serbia, lies an old, derelict gravel barge. Rusted, useless, and over 100 years old it has limited…

Russia’s 1914 Invasion of Germany – The Beginning of WWI on the Eastern Front

In August 1914, fighting broke out between Germany and Russia – it was the beginning of WWI on the Eastern Front. Russia declared war on…