World War 2 | War History

Yes But Did British Spies REALLY use Semen as Invisible Ink?

Conan White

It was said that the agents even gave the project the motto of “Every man his own stylo.” The art of spying includes trying to…

A Slippery Road: Mussolini’s Disastrous Invasion of Greece

Mussolini remained confident that the Greek army was “already exhausted or in the process of being exhausted.” The Italian invasion of Greece beginning on October…

Spy Once, Live Twice – A Legendary Double-Agent Faked His Death For 36 Years

Jay Hemmings

He served in a Spanish Republican cavalry unit – an experience he couldn’t wait to get past. Juan Pujol Garcia’s remarkable life story reads like…

Hell From Above : The Messerschmitt Bf 110 Night Fighter

Its only drawback was that early night fighter versions were barely faster than the bombers they were trying to intercept. In the mid-1930s, there was…

Loose Lips Do Sink Ships

Conan White

To engage a US submarine that was running deep at 360 feet, it would take the older depth charge nearly a minute to get down…

Crossword Alarm: The Puzzle That Nearly Stopped D-Day

The third crossword that appeared on May 27, 1944 included the word “Overlord,” the codename for the entire D-Day operation. There are moments in history…

A Mad Major: The Canadian Hero Who Captured A City

Billy Moncure

He first saw action on D-Day, on which he captured a German half-track by himself. Despite being half blinded and having his back broken in…

Tiger Tanks & Tea: The British Cup of Char in War

A method needed to be found where crews could remain in their vehicle and alert while preparing their staple afternoon tea. Britain is known for…

The Brave Resistance Fighters of WWII Slovakia

While the rebellion went well in central Slovakia, another Slovak army in the east was completely crushed the next day. One of the fundamental roadblocks…

The German Breakthrough at Sedan, May 1940

On the far bank were two lines of French defenses featuring trenches, barbed wire, concrete pillboxes, anti-tank guns, and machine-guns. The fall of France was…

Soviet Storm – The Battle of Stalingrad

24,000,000 rifle and machine gun rounds were fired by the Soviets in the last month of the battle alone. 1942 was a tumultuous year for…

The Bombardier Brown Bear who Fought at Monte Casino

The soldiers initially kept him hidden, but this proved to be increasingly difficult as he began to explode in size. War history is full of…