World War 2 | War History

The British Operatives Who Came Too Late to Save Poland, & the Treasure They Brought Back

In 1939, a team of British covert agents traveled to Poland. Sent to help resist the German invasion, they arrived too late to make a…

Eileen Nearne, a British WW2 Heroine & Sort of Female James Bond

The “Croix de Guerre,” or “Cross of War,” is a French military decoration honoring people for their resistance against the Nazis in WW2. Furthermore, being…

Dries Riphagen, The Silver-Tongued Dutch Criminal, Sent Many Jews to Concentration Camps

Bernardus Andries Riphagen, known as “the Dutch Al Capone,” was even more unscrupulous than his American gangster counterpart. The man was a criminal through and…

Revealing the Ineffectiveness of Early British Night-Bombing Raids

Before World War II began, there was a general acceptance that the strategic bombing of cities and industrial areas would be a major factor in…

The Battle Of Stalingrad Involved 2.2 Million People – One Of The Biggest Battles In History

The Battle of Stalingrad was not only one of the largest battles of the Second World War, but it was also one of the biggest…

Was Fanta Really Invented in Germany?

Who has not heard of Fanta, the tasty orange-flavored fizzy drink? Most of us have. Millions consume the beverage on a daily basis the world…

The Battle of Berlin & the Berlin Zoo, The Soviets Wiped Out One-Third of the Animals in One Night

The Berlin Zoo or “Tiergarten” opened in 1855 and was soon a popular attraction with families and visitors who came to observe strange and exotic…

Fire Against Fog: How the British Dealt With One of the Most Disruptive Aviation Challenges

Fog has always been a disturbance to aviation. Canceled flights, delayed landings, and of course, plane crashes have on many occasions been attributed to fog. No…

The Canadian Rambo, Jumped Into the Bunker & Took On 53 Germans & Won

It takes a special kind of man to be awarded the Victoria Cross – the highest military honor bestowed by the United Kingdom and Commonwealth…

After WW2 The 10th Mountain Division Veterans Started America’s Ski Industry

America’s entry into the Second World War required the mass mobilization of infantry on a scale not witnessed since the Civil War. To prepare properly…

The Japanese I-400-class Sub: The Largest Sub of WW2 Could Carry Capacity of 3 Torpedo Bombers

The Second World War was a driver of rapid technological advances in both Allied and Axis nations, and Japan’s I-400-class submarine surely ranks as one…

The Brave Catholic Priest Who Volunteered To Die In A Stranger’s Place

Auschwitz is a name that will live on through history as a dark reminder of the worst evils men are capable of perpetrating. Perhaps the…