World War 2 | War History

Walther Wenck – Hitler’s Last Hope?

Ruslan Budnik

On the night of April 29-30, 1945, Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel received several messages from Adolf Hitler. One of them posed the question: “Where are…

Deadly Bigotry: When Canada, America & Cuba Rejected Jewish Refugees before WW2

Billy Moncure

Hitler’s extreme anti-Semitism was coming to a head when over 900 Jews bordered the MS St. Louis in an effort to escape from Germany just…

The P-38: The American Super-plane That The British Didn’t Want

Ian Harvey

  During the Second World War, Adolf Hitler’s Luftwaffe was considered a formidable, ominous enemy by Allied pilots who took on the German planes over…

Irena Sendler: The Remarkable Polish Woman Who Saved 2500 Children From The Nazis In WWII

Jay Hemmings

In times of war, it is not only soldiers who perform feats of great valor and display incredible courage. Often, non-combatant civilians risk their lives…

B-24 Pilot Turned Spy Saved 1,000 US POWs From a Grim Ending at Soviet Hands

Morgan Deane

Robert Trimble started his career as a B24 bomber pilot and ended it as a rather accomplished spy. After surviving 35 bomber missions, which was…

Part 2: The Death of George Patton – Was America’s most controversial general assassinated?

The notion that General George Patton was assassinated by the American Secret Service, or the Soviet NKVD, or some combination of both, makes an interesting…

Great Story: When British Commandos Turned Pirate – Operation Postmaster

On the night of the 14th of January 1942, three Axis ships were stolen from a harbor off the coast of West Africa, right under…

The Magician That Outsmarted the Desert Fox

Joshua Baylor

World War II has no shortage of heroes especially those that had no previous military experience. However, when duty called a British magician decided to…

People Forget China’s conflict with Japan Cost at Least Ten Million Lives

Joseph Stalin once said: “The death of a man is a tragedy. The death of a million is a statistic.” Sadly, history seems to have…

Overlooked by the West: Soviets Lost More Troops Than Britain, USA, Japan & Germany Combined

Morgan Deane

It is one the quirks of history that the country which did the most to defeat Hitler—and along with China, suffered the most—ended up with…

Crucifix Hill & The Insane One Man Bunker Buster Who Turned the Course of the Battle

Jay Hemmings

If there’s one thing that has remained universal about battles and war throughout human history, it is the fact that war changes men. Often the…

Germany 1944-5 – a Nation Sliding From Triumph into Ruin

At the height of his power, Adolf Hitler declared that the German people were on the threshold of a Thousand-Year Reich. This announcement was welcomed…