World War 2 | War History

Ghost Blimp Mystery of WWII – Crashed in San Francisco & Crew Was Never Found

For the inhabitants of the west coast of the United States, the first months of 1942 were filled with paranoia. The sudden and ruthless attack…

Lions Roar: 5 British Self-Propelled Guns of WWII

At the start of the Second World War, most artillery was not independently mobile. It had to be dragged into battle by transport vehicles or…

Quit Blaming Chamberlain – A Host of Reasons Britain Wasn’t Prepared for WWII

David Baker

It’s hard to imagine that Great Britain was woefully ill-prepared for World War II, considering the lessons it learned from the Great War, 1914 –…

Hitler’s Werewolf Bunker: The Myths of the Destroyed Bunker Persist Long After WWII

David Baker

There are many stories, theories and ideas about who Adolf Hitler was and how he lived outside of the era of World War II. To…

900 Days! 6 Astonishing Facts about the Axis Blockade of Leningrad with Dozens of Photos

The siege and defense of Leningrad are one of the most tragic pages of the history of World War II in the USSR, which called…

Grandma Sniper – Nina Petrova was Over 50 Years Old with Over 100 Confirmed Victories

Many women contributed to the Soviet victory in the Great Patriotic War, the name for World War II in the USSR. Among the famous Soviet…

Not Puppet Soldiers – The Tough Vichy French at the Battle of Oran

Ian Harvey

After the French capitulation in the Second World War, a puppet regime with its administrative center in the town of Vichy declared itself the Vichy…

Clever, Defiant Women – Last of the Dutch Resistance Sisters Passes Away

A short while ago, a celebrated WWII hero died. This hero didn’t storm any beaches, assault a strong-point, or parachute behind enemy lines. This hero…

The Embarrassing British Attack on the Port of Dakar: Operation Menace

In September 1940, Britain tried to get an advantage over Nazi Germany by seizing the French colony of Dakar. It was an operation that ended…

Children Bought a Tank & a Woman Drove it in WWII

On February 25, 1943, the Soviet newspaper Omskaya Pravda published a letter from Ada Zaneghina, a six-year-old girl. Ada and her mother had had to leave…

Total Surprise! Outnumbered 10 to 1: German Paratroopers Took Down Belgian Fortress Eben-Emael

On the 10th of May 1940, German armed forces invaded Belgium. One of their most challenging targets was Eben-Emael, a modern fort on the Albert…

The Nazi Invasion of Norway – Hitler Tests the West

In 1940, Germany invaded neutral Norway. It was the first real test of the Allied military in Europe, one which would not go well for…