World War 2 | War History

Meyer Lansky – The American Jewish Mobster Who Hunted Down Nazi Sympathizers And Secured New York Harbor

When the phrase “organized crime” is muttered, it’s easy to conjure up images of the bright lights, spinning slot machines, or the card tables of…

The Heroic US Coast Guard Who Gave His Life To Save His Shipmates During A Desperate Rescue In WW2

US Coast Guard Cutter Comanche left Boston in January 1943. She made contact with her convoy on the 29th and proceeded as scheduled. It was…

Hit By Shrapnel Which Almost Tears Off His Arm, Pries His Own Grenade From Now Useless Hand And Throws It At The Enemy

Jeff Edwards

Senator Daniel Inouye served in the United States Senate from 1963 until his death in 2012.  At the time of his death, he was America’s…

The Heroic US Coast Guard Cutter Crew Who Battled U-Boats In WWI – An Amazing Tale of Bravery

Gabe Christy

The Navy Cross is awarded for valor and heroism while in service with the United States Naval Forces. Since its creation in 1919, there have…

First African American to Earn The Navy Cross Was a Cook Firing .50-Caliber Machine Guns at Japanese Bombers At Pearl Harbor

Jeff Edwards

World War 2 will long be remembered as the epitome of total war, total gallantry, and total brutality. It spared none based on their ethnic…

True: A Stranded Dutch Warship In WWII Disguising Itself As An Island To Evade Japanese Bombers

The Netherlands officially surrendered on May 15th, 1940. However, its Navy continued the fight. Part of the navy was deployed in the Dutch East Indies…

When 20 Canadian Prisoners Were Murdered By The Waffen SS In Normandy – The Ardenne Abbey Massacre

In the early days of the Normandy campaign 20 Canadian soldiers, members of the North Nova Scotia Highlanders and 27th Armoured Regiment (part of the…

Rudolf Hess: The British people “took care of me very well. They…put a rocking chair near the fireplace and offered me tea”

Rudolf Hess was one of the most notable politicians of the National-Socialist Party and, later Deputy Fuhrer of the Third Reich. His early life is…

The Secret German Weather Station In Canada, Discovered 38 Years After It Was Built

The Second World War proved to be not only a war fought for resources, territory and domination, but also a war of information. All sides…

75 Years since the Dambusters raid

The Dambusters raid was established as one of the most famous allied attacks of the Second World War almost from the moment the wheels of 617…

The Sweetheart of the Marianas – “The Whistling Death” Vought F4U Corsair

The world of World War Two aviation enthusiasts is both united, and divided. United in the sense that all value and appreciate both the men…

A Doctor Created A Fake Typhus Epidemic And Saved 8,000 People During WWII

At the outbreak of WWII, a young Polish doctor was finishing his medical studies and looking forward to using his skills for the well-being of…