World War 2 | War History

The Raid on Alexandria – Military History of Italy in WW2

War History Online presents this Guest Article by Bruera Clément Italy’s military history of World War II is not well known by that many people; this…

This Epic Siege In World War II Lasted For More Than 100 Days

War History online proudly presents this Guest Piece from Evan Pinter In history, there have been many great examples of heroic last stands. Among the most…

The Baking Powder Turned Explosive Device in Occupied China during WWII

Who’s up for some pancakes? How about exploding pancakes? In the midst of WWII technological acceleration, scientists on both sides were constantly engaged in figuring…

The Channel Dash Was Hitler Trying to Save His Ships – A Fast-Moving Naval Battle Of WWII

Most of the naval action of WWII took place in the vast spaces of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, but there were also confrontations in…

Many of Germany’s finest tacticians & commanders of WWII served in the panzer forces. One of those men was Walther Nehring

First World War Born in 1892, Nehring entered the German army in 1911. At the start of WWI, he was sent to the Eastern Front…

RAF: The Tragic Sinking of the SS Cap Arcona, 5,000 Concentration Camp Prisoners Killed

The end of WWII was only days away, yet the RAF carried out the Nazis dirty work for them during the Cap Arcona disaster. Docked…

Hermann Ramcke, German Marine Turned Paratroop General

In an American prison cell, a former German officer sat writing a letter to his captors. The war was over, but his concern for his…

Battle of Berlin – The Soviets Hammering The Nail In the Coffin Of The Third Reich

For a war that left 60 million dead, countless lives permanently destroyed and hundreds of thousands homeless and in need, the Battle of Berlin proved…

Total Hypocrisy: Awarded the Medal of Honor For Bravery Whilst His Country Locked up His Family in an Interment Camp

George “Joe” Taro Sakato is a second-generation-born American of Japanese descent, which was why his family had to relocate during WWII. Despite this, he joined…

The Day General Taylor Went On A Secret Mission To Occupied Rome in 1943

General Tylor’s diplomatic and language skills resulted in his secret mission to Rome to coordinate an 82nd Airborne para drop with Italian forces. General Dwight…

Pee Wee Herman’s Father Was a Fighter Pilot Who Flew for the RAF, the US Air Force and the Haganah Air Service

American comedian Paul Reubens might be more widely known for the fictional character he embodies, Pee Wee Herman. Reubens owes his worldwide fame to his…

“Mr Immortal” Jacklyn H. Lucas was Awarded the MoH age 17 – Used His Body To Shield His Squad From Two Grenades

When Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, many Americans were understandably enraged. One person was so enraged, in fact, he fought the US military for the right…