World War 2 | War History

The Myths And Legends Surrounding The Nazi Party

As the evilest and most widely condemned organization in European history, the Nazis have long fascinated both historians and the public at large. Inevitably, a…

Becoming a Nazi as an agent of Christ. He claimed he joined the Nazi regime to save Jews

A devout Christian, he joined the Nazi regime and then later tried to oppose it. When that did not work, he hatched a new plan…

The Jewish Avengers: A Nazi’s Worst Nightmare, They Wanted to Poison 60,000 Prisoners After WWII

“What is Zionism? Zionism is the Jews taking their fate into their own hands and not letting the others dictate our fate,” so said Dina…

How A Japanese Sub Sank Three Ships With One Salvo In WW2

Japan entered WWII with the most diverse submarine fleet of any nation. Some subs were capable of the fastest underwater speeds and were armed with…

Four British Intelligence Agents of WWII & Their Very Different Civilian Lives

In the early stages of WWII, Britain had to hastily improve its capacity to make war. It included recruiting skilled professionals to previously neglected military…

Black Sheep One: American WW2 Marine Fighter Ace With 26 Kills – Gregory “Pappy” Boyington

Gregory Boyington would often muse that during his 20 months as a Japanese POW his health actually improved due to the forced sobriety. Affectionately known…

Amazing Footage of The Heavy German Tiger Tank – Feared On The Battlefields of WW2

The Tiger Tank was without a doubt the tank which was most feared by the Allied forces during the Second World War. The thing that…

Take A Look inside a U-boat, 42 Stunning Images That Show Every Detail

The U-Boat War The Battle of the Atlantic was a vital arena of the Second World War. A protracted campaign that lasted for most of…

The Mighty Japanese Battleship Musashi – The Launch that Flooded Nagasaki

It was one of the biggest ships to ever ply the seas and ensure Japan’s conquest of the Asia-Pacific region during WWII. It was so…

Audie Murphy, Highly Decorated US Soldier Who Went On To Have Successful Hollywood Career

One of the most highly decorated American soldier of World War II, Audie Leon Murphy, was born on the 20th June 1925.  His life story…

Turning Point For The Second World War – The Battle of Britain – Part 1

War History Online Presents Part one of the guest Blog from Chris Charland.  The 15th of September 1940 was undoubtedly the decisive turning point in…

George H. Bush Narrowly Escaped Being Executed & Eaten By The Japanese in WWII

Colin Fraser

In September 1944, the USS Finback submarine surfaced a few miles off the coast of Chichi Jima, an island some 700 miles South of Tokyo.…