World War 2 | War History

One of The Most Remarkable Test Pilots Ever: Survived The Sinking of HMS Audacity & Flew over 480 Different types of Aircraft

Jeff Edwards

There are many British aviators who can boast that they contributed to the war effort by taking to the skies over Europe to defeat the…

Taranto Raid: Bi planes smash Italian Fleet at Taranto – The Inspiration For Pearl Harbor

Colin Fraser

‘The Raid on Taranto, Italy, 11–12 November 1940’ by Ralph Gillies-Cole. Painting in collection of Fleet Air Arm Museum. In 1940, the British military situation…

More of their story – Crewmember of B-17 Flying Fortress killed in mission over Europe in WWII

War History online proudly presents this Guest Piece from Jeremy P. Ämick, who is a military historian and writes on behalf of the Silver Star Families…

The main reasons why the allied landings at Anzio were a failure – within three days of the landing, the Allied troops were surrounded by 3 Panzer divisions

Towards the end of 1943, Allied forces were struggling to fight their way up Italy in the face of stern resistance from German Field Marshal…

The End of the 900 Day Leningrad Blockade – January 27, 1944

Sieges are a familiar sight throughout the many pages of history and the many nations around the world. Yet there is one siege that left…

The Leftover Coded Messages Of WWII: Why It Took Decades To Solve Secret German Messages

Though World War II ended more than half a century ago, not all of the mysteries of that time in history have been solved. Questions…

Why The Nazis Beheaded a Famous Author’s Sister – Then Sent His Family the Execution Bill

It’s a book beloved by millions, one that’s been read by multiple generations and turned into an equally famous film: All Quiet on the Western…

The Story of an Incapable Nazi Spy and the First Canadian Double Agent: Werner Von Janowski

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police had had little experience with counter-espionage in 1942 when they captured a German spy named Werner von Janowski. The Abwehr…

Rare WWII “Rat Bomb” Sold at Auction

It is incredibly rare to come across one of these camouflaged bombs, but one has surfaced, along with a collection of other unusual weapons used…

This Finnish Ace Took to the Skies Against a Soviet Enemy That Outnumbered them 9 to 1

Jeff Edwards

The 1930’s and 40’s would see a great deal of larger nations preying on the small, but don’t make the mistake to automatically equate small…

On his 58th and Final Mission Ian W. Bazalgette Was Awarded the Victoria Cross over France

Jeff Edwards

When an Allied plane took to the skies headed for occupied Europe in WWII, there existed the reasonable probability the crew would not make it…

The True Story of Two American Fighters Who Took on the Japanese Attack at Pearl Harbor – Hungover

Jeff Edwards

The nuances of military history are often lost to the passage of time and with the men who could give first-hand accounts.  As much as…