World War 2 | War History

Heinz Guderian: A Great German Commander of WWII – He Stood Up To Hitler

General Heinz Wilhelm Guderian was one of the most innovative military commanders of the 20th century. He helped to develop modern tank warfare, bringing success…

Britain’s Bomber Balloon Attacks Against Nazi Germany

Colin Fraser

Between 1942 and 1944, the British Royal Air Force and Royal Navy frequently got to bickering over a certain issue. It was, oddly enough, to…

Operation Longcloth: The Burma Campaign of WWII – “The greatest guerrilla operation ever undertaken”

Reuters described Operation Longcloth as “the greatest guerrilla operation ever undertaken.” Louis Allen wrote that it “had panache, it had glamor, it had cheek.” It…

The First Allied Soldier Killed By Enemy Fire on D-Day – Lieutenant Den Brotheridge At Pegasus Bridge

Colin Fraser

Lieutenant Herbert Denham “Den” Brotheridge, Commander of 25 Platoon, D Company, 2nd Battalion of the Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry holds an honored place in…

Orde Wingate: Daring, Eccentric, and Unconventional, a Fascinating Fighter in World War Two

Colin Fraser

Orde Wingate was a British officer who served in colonial territories and World War II, reaching the rank of Major General before his death on…

How the Allies Smashed the Nazi German Military Industry

WWII was a war between industries as much as it was between nations. From tanks and planes to bullets and bombs, the materials of war…

Operation Cobra, 1944: Breaking Out of Normandy

In July 1944, Normandy was the scene of fierce fighting. Operation Neptune had seen the Allies land on the coast on June 6, D-Day. Following…

Orde Wingate: The Most Controversial British Commander of WWII

Orde Wingate was the most unusual British commander of World War Two. Loved by some of his colleagues and hated by others, his reputation remains…

Japanese Admiral Yamamoto – The Architect Of The Pearl Harbor Attack

Colin Fraser

Isoroku Yamamoto was the Japanese Imperial Navy Admiral and Commander-in-chief who masterminded the attack on Pearl Harbor December 7th, 1941. He was hated by U.S.…

John Glenn, Astronaut & Senator Who Flew Combat Missions in WW2 & Korea – shot down 3 MiG-15s

John Glenn, born July 18, 1921, was the oldest living former U.S. senator until his death on December 8. Before his 25-year career in the…

The RAF and the Luftwaffe: Different Ways They Approached WWII

One of the most crucial conflicts of the Second World War was between the air forces of Britain and Germany. The Royal Air Force (RAF)…

Australia’s Pearl Harbor – The Bombing of Darwin By Hundreds of Japanse Aircraft

Colin Fraser

At 9:58 AM, February 19th, 1942, the humming drone of Japanese fighters and bombers was heard over Darwin, Australia. The residents, soldiers, and sailors of…