World War 2 | War History

When The Allies Attacked Oran And Were Annihilated By Vichy French Soldiers

After the fall of France during WWII, a puppet regime was established, with its administrative center in the town of Vichy, declaring itself The Vichy…

The Dog Who Went on Missions To Bomb Germany And Became A National Hero

In the great tragedy of war, one often needs to find something on which to hold in the darkest moments.  For a Czech Pilot at…

Two Amazing Stories From USCGC Escanaba – Heroism And Heartbreak In The North Atlantic, 1943

The Rescue of the Dorchester USCGC Escanaba was steaming along calmly on February 2, 1943. She was part of a six-ship convoy; three escorts, and…

The Heroic US Coast Guard Who Gave His Life To Save His Shipmates During A Desperate Rescue In WW2

US Coast Guard Cutter Comanche left Boston in January 1943. She made contact with her convoy on the 29th and proceeded as scheduled. It was…

How Extraterrestrials Got Japanese-Americans Interned in 1942

Many believe that the internment of Japanese-Americans during WWII was the direct result of Pearl Harbor. While true, there were two other factors involved –…

10 Generals Who Led the Allied Invasion of Germany in WWII

In the final months of WWII, Allied forces invaded Germany from east and west. The vast military enterprise relied upon the leadership of good generals.…

William Hitler, Nephew of Adolf, Joined the US Navy to Fight The Nazis in WW2

Conspiracy theorists claim that a certain Hitler survived WWII, fled to Argentina or Brazil, and lived to a ripe old age. What utter nonsense. He…

He Was The Last Japanese WWII Soldier To Surrender – in 1974

World War II ended in Europe on May 8, 1945. As for Southeast Asia and Oceania, peace only came several months later on September 2,…

Private First Class Harold Agerholm: Medal Of Honor Recipient

Harold C. Agerholm had a quiet start to his life. After qualifying from school in Racine, Wisconsin he worked as a multigraph operator for the…

Original D-Day footage: US Troops Storm The Beaches Of Normandy

The tide of the Second World War turned on the 6th of June, 1944, changing the course of history forever. On the shores of Normandy,…

Malta: The Island Nation That Heroically Defied Hitler’s Relentless War Machine In WWII

The George Cross remains one of the highest military honors that can be given in the United Kingdom.  Second only to the Victoria Cross, it…

Fleet Admiral Leahy, Chief of Staff to the Commander in Chief Was Fiercely Opposed to Dropping the Atomic Bomb on Japan

Before the official establishment of the position of Joint Chiefs of Staff in the United States Military in 1947, there served a man who was…