World War 2 | War History

The Channel Dash Kriegsmarine Trying to Save Its Ships – A Fast-Moving Naval Battle Of WWII

Most of the naval action of WWII took place in the vast spaces of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, but there were also confrontations in…

When A British Destroyer Rammed a German Cruiser In World War Two

April 8, 1940, two ships found each other off the coast of Norway. One a German heavy cruiser the Admiral Hipper, the other, a British…

Controversial: These Household Names Worked With The Third Reich During WWII

Jack Beckett

Kodak The famous camera company’s German branch actually used slave labor from German concentration camps. Several European branches of Kodak did extensive business with the…

The Day General Taylor Went On A Secret Mission To Occupied Rome in 1943

General Tylor’s diplomatic and language skills resulted in his secret mission to Rome to coordinate an 82nd Airborne para drop with Italian forces. General Dwight…

Was It Really A War Crime – Thousands of Germans Died in American POW Camps In 1945

Colin Fraser

For all but fringe debaters on the subject, the book is closed. The horror and death caused by maltreatment or murder in German, Japanese and…

Audie Leon Murphy: WW2 Two Hero, Medal of Honor Recipient & Hollywood Mega-Star

Some people are so amazing it is hard to believe they are real. One such man started out in the real world, moved on to…

Blitzkrieg, Bombs, and Blunders: “Smiling Albert” Kesselring in World War II

Colin Fraser

Albert Kesselring, also called “Uncle Albert” by his troops and “Smiling Albert” by Allied forces, was a German Field Marshal (Generalfeldmarschall) and life-long military man.…

“Come and Fight A Gurkha!” He Yelled, Lost His Right Hand Throwing Back A Grenade Then “Single Handedly” Defended His Post For 4 Hours Against 200 Enemy Soldiers, Neutralized 31

Former Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw of the Indian Army once said: “If a man says he is not afraid of dying, he is either lying…

Desperate Measures – Two Massive Lies That Shaped the Last Days of WWII

Propaganda played a huge part in WWII. Lies, distortions, and half-truths were spread by all sides to motivate the people and deceive the enemy. In…

Echo of Infamy – The Little Known Second Attack on Pearl Harbor, March 4, 1942

War History Online presents this Guest Article by Thomas D. Pilsch With great solemnity and reverence, America observed the 75th anniversary of the devastating December…

Operation Torch – The American Landings at Algiers Marked A New Phase In WW2

On November 8, 1942, Allied forces launched Operation Torch. Primarily an American undertaking, it was the beginning of a new phase in WWII – one…

A Desperate Fight to the Death: RMS Carmania Vs. SMS Cap Trafalgar 1914

Gabe Christy

In September 1914, WWI had only just begun. Europe was plunged headlong into the greatest conflict yet seen, but a victory for either side was…