World War 2 | War History

The Experiences Of Hitler’s Food Taster

Ian Harvey

Margaret Wölk was 25-years old when she began working at Adolf Hitler’s “Wolf’s Lair” headquarters. It was 1941. Her husband had been drafted for the…

10 Facts About Albert Speer, the Architect, Visionary & “good” Nazi

Colin Fraser

In 1931, a young, ambitious architect named Albert Speer attended a Nazi rally in Berlin. Perhaps he was truly captivated by the message of the…

8 Things We Need To Know About The Iwo Jima Landings

The Battle of Iwo Jima was more than just another strategic island fight in the US military’s struggle with Imperial Japan during World War Two. It…

Padre Foote Stayed Behind After The Dieppe Fiasco & The Only Canadian Chaplain To Be Awarded The Victoria Cross

Jeff Edwards

It is hard to imagine a soldier retreating from a position of certain safety for the explicit purpose of getting captured, but that is exactly…

10 Facts About Russian WW2 General Ivan Konev – Marshal & Hero of the Soviet Union

Colin Fraser

Ivan Stepanovich Konev was a highly decorated general of Russia’s Red Army. Both highly admired and feared by Stalin, he made huge contributions to the…

9 Reasons Poland Fell So Quickly in 1939

As dawn rose on 1 September 1939, a German army swept across the border into Poland. Already tense, European politics would now descend into the…

Apparently Openly Gay, Maybe Jewish But Joined The SS In Search For The Holy Grail: He Was The Inspiration For Indiana Jones

Greg Jackson

Otto Wilhelm Rahn was a German writer and medievalist who was obsessed with finding the Holy Grail. This was the cup that Jesus supposedly drank…

Master Sergeant Roddie Edmonds, American Hero Who Saved Hundreds of Jewish Soldiers in WWII

Jeff Edwards

Perhaps there is a point in a soldier’s life, where he is so certain that he might die that he would rather dictate the terms…

The Gigantic Floating Dry Docks That Could Repair Battleships And Carriers Thousands Of Miles From Home

The United States Navy, during World War 2, decided to create a temporary forward base utilizing service stations; these stations meant the United States Navy…

These Were The Best Pilots The German Luftwaffe Had During World War II

The Ace Fighter cult came to prominence during the First World War, which was the first conflict that utilized the use of aircraft in a…

Operation Long Jump: Hitler’s Plan to Kill off his Enemies all at Once

Hitler came up with some pretty wild plans to achieve world dominance. Among them was an attempt to eliminate his enemies while they were together…

The Commando Raids On The Norwegian Coast That Tied Up 30,000 German Soldiers

In 1941, Britain raided Nazi-occupied Norway, making use of a new and still untested force – British Commandos. The aim was to boost British morale and…