World War 2 | War History

The Bold But Unsuccessful Mission of 1st Commando at Bizerte in World War Two

In November 1942, British and American forces made their first decisive push to take control of Tunisia from the Axis armies. Having landed in the…

Openly Gay, Maybe Jewish But He Joined The SS In Search For The Holy Grail: He Was The Inspiration For Indiana Jones

Otto Wilhelm Rahn was a German writer and medievalist who was obsessed with finding the Holy Grail. This was the cup that Jesus supposedly drank…

Shot Down Over France, Chuck Yeager Evaded Capture for 4 Months & then Flew Into History at the Speed of Sound

If there was ever a man that was hard to sum up in one headline, it might be Chuck Yeager. One could mention how he…

The Tank Museum interviews Tiger tank veterans & tank crews who fought against them

The Tiger Collection features the memories of a number of veterans who fought in and against the Tiger. This short series of “Second World War…

The German Officer Who Rescued the ‘Pianist’

Sometimes, things aren’t always so black and white. Take the Nazi officer who ran a concentration camp in Poland. Who would ever have thought that he’d…

MoH: Private Towle of the 82nd Airborne Stopped a German Armored Counter Attack in Holland with a Bazooka

Many might hold the common assumption that in the battle of man versus tank, heavy armor is sure to win.  However, students of the history…

P-38 Lightning – Historic WWII Plane Restored and Returned to Display in Alaska

P-38G-10-LO Lightning (SN 42-13400) is a warplane built by the Lockheed Aircraft Corporation during World War II and delivered to the US Army for use…

Still Clearing Up After World War Two – Tons Of Ammunition Removed From Pacific Waters

During World War II, a Japanese barge carrying 8.5 tons of ammunition was sunk by US forces near the Peleliu Channel in the Republic of…

21-Year-Old Bomber Pilot Who Died Saving His Crew, Running on Just One Engine He Stayed With the Bomber

On the night of May 30, 1942, Britain launched its largest bombing raid so far in World War Two. Of the 1,047 bombers that flew,…

From The Tank Museum: Crouching Tiger & the Confrontation with a Comet

In the wooded countryside close to the Aller River in Germany, a small action took place between a lone Tiger and Comet tanks belonging to…

The Self Destruct Mission of the Luftwaffe: Operation Bodenplatte – January 1st 1945

For the German Luftwaffe, World War II all but ended on January 1st, 1945 with their last, desperate attempt to strike back against the Ally’s…

Watch the WW2 Battle of the Coral Sea – In Color

From the 4th to 8th May 1942, the Japanese and American fleets in the Pacific made history. For the first time ever, a naval battle…