World War 2 | War History

The Daring Bruneval Raid To Capture German Radar Technology

One of the most important raids in the Second World War was the British raid on Bruneval in occupied France. Its aim was to steal…

Jacklyn H. Lucas – Mr Immortal – Awarded the MoH age 17 – Used His Body To Shield His Squad From Two Grenades

Jeff Edwards

For many young people, the outbreak of the greatest War this planet had ever seen would come just a little too early for them to…

Midway: The Turning Point in the Pacific

The Battle of Midway (3rd to 7th June 1942) was the single most decisive encounter in the Pacific theater of World War Two. A clash…

How Britain And America Learned To Work Together On Intelligence In WWII

When America entered WWII, one of the first orders of business was to find ways to work with the British. With their shared language and…

Roland Freisler – Hitler’s Screaming Nazi Judge

Nazi Germany perverted every democratic institution that was supposed to uphold the rule of law and ensure the people of Europe’s most powerful nation were…

Cresson Kearny – Nuclear War Survival Skills

In the 1960s and 70s, the world was undergoing a period known as the Cold War. There was a very real threat of a potential…

In WWII, The Allies Often Worked with Local Partisans Against Nazi Germany

WWII was fought by civilian resistance in occupied countries as well as by armed forces. On many occasions, those groups worked together. France The work…

American Propaganda Posters in World War II

Wartime relations can cause a country to get down – as we saw in the United States during Vietnam – to a point where a…

Living Legacies: the Real Band of Brothers Vets Who Just Won’t Quit

David Herold

There are those who merely exist in life, simply going through the motions and completing the average tasks required for another day. Then there are…

Things That The Russians Did Right During Operation Barbarossa

In June 1941, Operation Barbarossa began, setting off a bloodbath that was supposed to bring the Soviet Union to its knees. Yet when Adolf Hitler…

A World War Two Disaster For The Allies: The Destruction of Convoy PQ 17

Naval intelligence and the convoy system were vital to Britain’s survival during WWII. When used together, they saved countless lives and kept supplies flowing between…

Vera Atkins: Incredibly Brave British SOE Squadron Officer of World War Two

Early in WWII, the Germans were marching through Europe, and Britain was next. On July 16, 1940, the British prime minister, Winston Churchill, declared, “Set…