World War 2 | War History

Amazing colorized images of WWII bring the war to life for modern viewers

Many thanks go to Doug Banks and his team – the masters of colorization.  The beauty of these colorized images is that color allows you…

VC: With His Plane On Fire, This Pilot Refused To Bail Out Without Taking Down A German Fighter

On a bright sunny morning in August 1940, No. 249 Squadron, Royal Air Force, was patrolling near Southampton, in southern England. There was hardly any…

Wilhelm Adalbert Hosenfeld – The German Who Saved “The Pianist” And Is Honored by Israel

Sometimes, things aren’t always so black and white. Take the Nazi officer who ran a concentration camp in Poland. Who would ever have thought that he’d…

Fog Of War – Often, the Allies Couldn’t Tell if Bombing Campaigns Were Working

Destructive bombing raids against Germany were a vital part of World War Two. They let the Allies lash out against the Nazi war machine long…

He Was Awarded the Medal of Honor and then Demoted

It is perhaps a tale that Veterans of the United States Air Force are more familiar with, the story of “Airman Snuffy.” Given a choice…

A Terrible Mistake – Why The USSR Ignored Britain’s Warnings of Impending Invasion

On June 22, 1941, Germany invaded the USSR. It was a move that came as a shock to the Soviets, but less so to the…

Two Childhood Friends Helped Found an Elite WW2 Unit Then Died on the Same Day, Hundreds of Miles Apart

Founded in 1940 during the difficult days of the Second World War, the Small Scale Raiding Force was an elite British naval unit. The predecessor…

Four British Intelligence Agents of World War Two and Their Very Different Civilian Lives

In the early stages of WWII, Britain had to hastily improve its capacity to make war. It included recruiting skilled professionals to previously neglected military…

The First Medal of Honor Recipient of WW2 Stood His Ground at Pearl Harbor

Jeff Edwards

It is fitting in a war which would require inexplicable gallantry to win that it would begin with actions worthy of the nation’s highest military…

Hugh Seagrim, Who Fought WW2 from Behind Japanese Lines

In the small Karen village of Mewado, Burma, two men stood smoking cigarettes. The owner of the cigarettes, Captain Inoue, was an officer in the…

The First Thousand-Bomber Raid – Changing the WWII Air War

From the start of the Second World War, Britain’s Royal Air Force (RAF) committed themselves to a particular bombing strategy. They believed that, with heavy…

James Bond Director Guy Hamilton Was An Undercover Agent In World War Two

If you are not a movie aficionado, the credit at the end of a 007 movie listing Guy Hamilton as director will not mean much…