World War 2 | War History

Shooting Down 7 Aircraft In One Day, This Marine Was Awarded The Medal Of Honor On His First Mission

Lieutenant James Swett wasn’t the only man to become an Ace in one day during the war and nor was he the only Ace to…

The SECOND Raid On Pearl Harbor – Operation K

Everyone knows about the First Pearl Harbor Attack by the Japanese Imperial Navy. But few are aware of the 2nd Raid that the Japanese launched…

In WW2, General Eisenhower Lost a Bet and Had to Give General Montgomery His Own B-17

When you think of Dwight D. Eisenhower, there’s much that comes to mind: a military leader, President of the United States, Supreme Allied Commander, Chief…

Must-Know Facts About The Bolo Knife – History, Development And Use Of An Iconic Weapon

Imperial forces around the world, whether they came to the battle with muskets and cannons or machine guns and fighter planes, have come to fear…

10 Countries Invaded by Fascist Italy and Why They Invaded Each One

From the moment it was unified in the mid-19th century, Italy began to harbor dreams of empire. Under the fascist dictator Mussolini, these dreams were…

When Allies Fight: Operation Torch and the Taking of North Africa

North Africa was one of the great battlegrounds of the Second World War. From early on, British and Commonwealth forces faced German and Italian troops…

The End of the Road: Hitler’s Downfall

It takes some serious soul-searching to make the final decision to end your own life – especially when you’re the leader of the Nazi Regime…

Intercept Saratoga – A Photo for Fidel Castro

War History Online Presents a Guest Blog from Author Miguel Vargas – Caba A Flight by the Crews of the 392nd ODRAP in search for the Aircraft…

10 of the Biggest UK War Cemeteries in Europe

Europe is filled with war cemeteries and memorials commemorating the millions of lives that were lost during both World Wars. These sites have become tourist…

The Six Men Who Were Behind the July 20th Plot to Assassinate Hitler

The July 20th Plot to assassinate Hitler in his Eastern Prussian Headquarters, called the Wolf’s Lair, was probably the closest anyone got to really killing…

Hideki Tojo – Japanese WWII Prime Minister – Controversial To This Day

Hideki Tojo, a general and a politician, was the true representative of the Japanese expansionist policy in China in the first half of the 20th…

Striking Where it Hurts: Luftwaffe Destroy Historic English Towns in the Baedeker Blitz

As the fighting grew between the British and German forces in the midst of WWII, and overnight raids and bombings were getting out of control,…