World War 2 | War History

‘Lake Michigan’s Call to Duty,’ – Powerful Exhibition Tells The Great Lake’s Little-Known Wartime Story

Lake Michigan will never receive a medal for its contribution to the war effort from 1941 to 1945, so will have to settle for a…

An American World War Two Veteran Remembers His Service In Post-War Germany

James Murphy, 86, was a US Army combat engineer in Germany after World War II. He worked in a coal mine with his father before…

Remains Of Alabama World War Two Veteran Returning To His Hometown

The remains of Marine Corps Pfc. James O. Whitehurst were escorted from Tallahassee, Florida to Dothan, Alabama, his hometown. Accompanying Whitehurst recently was his surviving…

Memorial Day 2017: When America Remembers Those Who Made The Ultimate Sacrifice

War History Online presents this Guest Article from Christopher Kelly Memorial Day this year calls on all Americans with particular significance. It calls on us to…

10 Facts – Reinhard Heydrich – The Architect Of The Holocaust Who Hitler Called “The Man With The Iron Heart”

David Herold

Unless you are a WWII aficionado, it’s likely you don’t have all the facts about every Nazi official memorized. However, every individual who played a…

Church of Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard’s War Against the Sea & Mexico

Lafayette Ronald Hubbard (often referred to as “L. Ron Hubbard” or simply as “LRH”) was the controversial founder of an even more controversial religion –…

A pair of naval books from Seaforth – Review by Mark Barnes

Safe to assume regular readers of these ramblings will be up to speed on my interest in warship books and especially the classy photography that…

Flying the Me 262 – Amazing Footage Of A Flyable Nazi Jet Fighter

There are very few aircraft in the history of aviation as unique and innovative as the Messerschmitt Me 262. This was created out of desperation.…

In WWII, The Allies Often Worked with Local Partisans Against Nazi Germany

WWII was fought by civilian resistance in occupied countries as well as by armed forces. On many occasions, those groups worked together. France The work…

The Death Of Mussolini, April 28, 1945

On the 28th of  April 1945, Benito Mussolini died. The leader of Fascist Italy and longest-ruling of the right-wing dictators who brought destruction to 20th…

Another Casualty From Pearl Harbor Identified And Laid To Rest

Navy Seaman 1st Class Murry R. Cargile, of Robersonville, North Carolina, was 21 when he was killed on the USS Oklahoma during the Japanese attack…

Honoring The Noble Contribution Of This Elderly WWII Veteran

April 20 was a surprising day for Second World War veteran, 94-year-old Wendell Young, in Hoke County, N.C., who served with General George S. Patton.…