World War 2 | War History

The Accidental Bombing Of Switzerland By The Allies In World War Two

Needless to say, the Swiss residents of Schaffhausen were not amused on April 1, 1944 — April fool’s Day — when approximately 60 tons of…

The Tank Museum’s Tiger 131 – First Appearance After Renovation, 2004 (Watch)

In 1942, Germany deployed the Tiger I, a heavy tank that went on to see action in both Europe and Africa. These powerful war machines…

A Bridge Too Far: The Amazing Story of the Battle of Arnhem

Richard Attenborough’s masterful film A Bridge Too Far was adapted from Cornelius Ryan’s book of the same name. It throws the audience into the midst…

This Amazing Corsair Display Shows Why The Japanese Feared The “Whistling Death”

What was the role of the Corsair in World War 2? You are about to find out with this video. The Corsair was manufactured by…

Get Out of Jail Free – How Monopoly Helped Allied POWs Escape

Imagine the following scenario: you’re with the Allies during WWII. Fortunately, your side eventually won. Unfortunately, you’ve ended up in a Nazi POW camp before…

FUSAG: The Ghost Army – Patton’s D-Day Force That Was Only A Threat In The Enemy’s Imagination

An army can help win a war without even existing. Strange as that may seem, this is exactly what happened in the case of the First United…

Franz Staudegger – German Tiger Ace in the Battle of Kursk

War History online proudly presents this Guest Piece from Evan Pinter The German Panzerkampfwagen VI, better known by its official designation “Tiger”, has sealed its reputation…

Test Your Knowledge – Take The War History Online World War Two Quiz

Damian Lucjan

So you know your WWII history inside out? We challenge you to take our quiz and answer all 20 questions correctly. We all (should) know…

Finding The Voices Of The Veterans – Ann Hamlet Collects The Memoirs Of Veterans For Exciting New Book

War History Online presents this guest article – by Ann Hamlet In the 1950s, with London still battle-scarred from the Blitz, any child would ask their…

The Capture Of Tiger Tank 131 – See It In Action At The Tank Museum

See Tiger 131 in action on Tiger Day on the 29 April and 16 September! A prototype Tiger tank was demonstrated to Hitler on his…

Nine Reasons Why The Allies Won The Battle of Britain

The most famous aerial battle in history, the Battle of Britain was a hard fought and desperate struggle to hold back Nazi Germany. Having launched…

The Horror of the Lwów Ghetto in WW2

The day was July 26, 1944, when the Polish city of Lwow was finally liberated by the advancing Red Army after fierce clashes with the…