World War 2 | War History

Band of Brothers Wild Bill Guarnere and Babe Heffron Sing A WWII Foxhole Song (Watch)

Two of the real life Band of Brothers, best friends Wild Bill Guarnere and Babe Heffron, sing “Mares Eat Oats.” William J. Guarnere (April 28th…

Five Critical Events Leading To The Surrender of Axis Forces in Tunisia During WWII

It takes serious planning and organization to carry out any major operations in a war zone effectively. For the Allied forces, the many operations and battles…

12 Steps On The Road to WWII In Vintage Propaganda Posters

I. 28 June 1919- Treaty of Versailles The peace treaty of Versailles was a humiliation for Germany. There are those who believe that the peace treaty…

Amazing Story Of Captain Charles Upham, The Only Combat Soldier To Be Awarded The Victoria Cross Twice

When you have thrown on your first Victoria Cross, you have entered an elite fraternity in the history of war that commands the respect of…

Behind Bayonets and Barbed Wire – Documentary Film Tells An Important Story

The documentary film, ‘Behind Bayonets and Barbed Wire,’ gives an accurate portrayal of the atrocities inflicted upon American prisoners of war by the Japanese during…

Legendary British WW2 Field Marshal Montgomery – “Indomitable in retreat, invincible in advance, insufferable in victory”

Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery, widely known as Monty, was the foremost British commander of the Second World War. Popular with his troops, he was less…

Lewis Millett – Veteran Of Three Wars

Lewis Lee Millett was born in Maine on 20 December 1920. He grew up in South Dartmouth, Massachusetts in a family with a strong military…

The Awesome WW2 Churchill – The British Heavy Infantry Tank (Watch)

The Tank, Infantry, Mk IV (A22) Churchill was the primary heavy infantry tank of the British Army during the first years of the Second World…

They Flew A Drone Over The Eerie Remains Of The Temporary Harbor At Arromanches To Get This Breathtaking Footage

In June 1944 The Allies invaded Normandy with the intention of liberating France and marching into Germany itself. The Normandy landing was an enormous undertaking…

Top 10 Surviving Buildings Built By The Nazis During Their Time In Power (Watch)

The Nazi government under Adolf Hitler saw architecture as a means of imposing fear and respect. Hitler, like many Germans, had an admiration of the…

Christine Granville: One of the Early Leaders of Female Special Ops Agents

Born Krystyna Skarbek in Poland, Christine Granville became one of the most important early female players in the British Special Ops. Working in Nazi-occupied Poland…

Operation Market Garden – Amazing Home Movie Footage From September 1944 (Watch)

Had the Battle of Arnhem succeeded, WWII in the European Theater might have ended a lot sooner, millions might not have died, and Germany might…