World War 2 | War History

WWII Vets Share Wartime Memories at National Veterans Day Commemoration

A small group of World War II veterans shared stories of courage and service at the annual Veterans Day ceremony in Washington, DC. William Tippins…

Holocaust Memorial And Exhibition Being Hosted At The Oskar Schindler Factory

An unused factory in Brnenec, Czech Republic, will host a Holocaust memorial and exhibition. It was a manufacturing plant where German businessman Oskar Schindler (1908-1974) provided…

Honor Flight Helps WWII Veteran Reflect On Moments Of Faith In War

Anthony Saputo landed on Utah Beach in France late in 1943 as part of an advance team preparing for the D-Day invasion that would occur…

A Bridge Too Far: The Amazing Story of the Battle of Arnhem

Richard Attenborough’s masterful film A Bridge Too Far was adapted from Cornelius Ryan’s book of the same name. It throws the audience into the midst…

Anti-Tank Dogs: A Scared Weapon

Weapons come in all shapes and forms. Some are produced from metal, some from chemicals, and others are animals. The “anti-tank” dog falls into this…

The Disney Bomb: Cartoon-Inspired Bunker Buster Could Penetrate 50 Feet of Concrete (Watch)

In 1943, Disney released an animated film, Victory Through Air Power, which featured bombs penetrating a submarine pen. Such a weapon did not exist, but…

When Finns And Snow Resisted The Soviet Invasion In The Winter War

As the Second World War was breaking out in Western Europe, the Soviet Union embarked on another war – one in which it would easily…

Top 10 List Of The Best WW2 Films (Watch)

One more treat for the War History Online film buffs ― Top 10 WWII Films. Now, which is the best WWII movie is always a…

Emmet and Erling – Friends For Life – The War Veteran And The Toddler Who Bonded Over Tomatoes (Watch)

The bond between a Second World War veteran and a young boy was fostered by tomatoes. The way Erling Kindem told it, the tomatoes brought…

Star Trek star shot two snipers on D-Day and was shot seven times in WWII

He saw action during WWII and in outer space. His exploits inspired many to enter the engineering profession, while one followed him to the moon.…

“Double Ace: Robert Lee Scott Jr., Pilot, Hero, and Teller of Tall Tales” – Review by David D. Kindy

By Guest Blogger David D. Kindy Robert Lee Scott Jr.,World War II flying ace and author of “God is My Co-Pilot” is best remembered as the…

The Submachine Gun – An Infantry Weapon Which Changed The Face Of Warfare

From the First World War to the Second World War, the submachine gun played an important part in infantry fighting. A small machine gun firing…