World War 2 | War History

Babi Yar: Ukraine’s Dark Historical Anniversary of a Dreadful WW2 Massacre

Vasily Mikhailovsky remembers the event with clarity even though he was four years old. In the latter part of late September 1941, notices appeared around German-occupied…

Comic Book Master Frank Miller Wants Superman to Face WWII and His Jewish Roots

Frank Miller is best known for his Batman comics. But it’s Superman that is the first superhero he fell in love with, and he has…

Pearl Harbour – A Dark Day In American History Remembered At Massachusetts WW2 Museum

“Why We Still Remember” is the name of a new display put on at the Museum of World War II in Natick, Massachusetts. The exhibition…

The Warship That Fired The First Shots Of WWI

Stuck into a muddy river bank, somewhere in Serbia, lies an old, derelict gravel barge. Rusted, useless, and over 100 years old it has limited…

The Belfast Blitz That Destroyed 55,000 Homes In World War Two

Ian Harvey

New research carried out has shown the extent of the ill-preparedness of Belfast in Northern Ireland, during the Second World War. The city was left…

Firing German Second World War Weaponry – The MG42 Machine Gun

MG42 Machine Gun

This video looks at the MG-42, a World War II German machine gun. It is being fired as part of a demonstration at Dellwood Park, Lockwood,…

Stunning Color Footage Of The Battle of the Bulge in the Second World War

Prior to the Battle of the Bulge, a line, 88 miles long, was drawn by Allied officers throughout the Ardennes region. The Ardennes lies in…

Britain’s WWII Heavy Assault Tank – The Tortoise (watch)

The British designed a tank especially for use in World War 2, the Heavy Assault Tank aka Assault Gun aka the Tortoise. However, this tank…

The US Special Forces Major who fought in the SS

Some men choose sides, others choose battles, and others fight regardless of the side or battle. One such man not only fought for three different…

In WW2, This USAAF pilot defected, he flew his P-38 to Milan & joined the SS

During WWII, an American pilot defected to Nazi Germany. Despite this, he was allowed to reenlist in the US military. Martin James Monti was born…

Joseph Stalin’s Hated Son Died In A Nazi Concentration Camp In World War Two

Everyone knows Joseph Stalin, but most aren’t familiar with his familial life, particularly his eldest son, Yakov. The tumultuous relationship between father and son created…

Tank Profile: The M26 Pershing – The First American Heavy Tank To Enter Service

As the Second World War was coming to its end, the technologies on the battlefields of Europe were becoming more and more complex. The tank…