World War 2 | War History

The Last Survivor of the Babi Yar – When 34,000 Innocents Were Massacred by Nazi Soldiers

Raisa Maistrenko clearly remembers Babi Yar. How could she not, the last survivor of the worst atrocity of World War II where 75 years ago…

Missing Both Legs, This RAF Fighter Ace Took Out 22 Germans Planes, Then Escaped Multiple POW Camps

Life with amputated legs can prove difficult for even the most mundane of tasks require extra effort.  But trying taking on the German Luftwaffe and…

This Is How Japan Tried To Set The U.S. West Coast Ablaze in WW2- It Nearly Worked

Most believe that those at Pearl Harbor were the only casualties on American soil during WWII. Not true. There were more in Oregon. The Japanese…

Golfing Heroes Who Served In WWII

Ian Harvey

When World War II broke out, it was only natural that many annual sporting events were sacrificed in the name of military service and national…

The American Fighter Pilot Who Served in Two Wars and Shot Down 16 Enemy Planes

The American aerial mission over battle-scarred Western Europe may have been short and sweet, but one pilot managed to stand out from the rest of…

For 59 Days 30 Soviet Soldiers Were Under Siege In This House, They Never Surrendered

The Battle of Stalingrad is one of the best-known battles of WWII. The siege of the city that lasted from 23rd of August, 1942 to…

Amazing German Aviator Who Escaped From a British PoW Camp and Died Exploring A Patagonian Glacier

Gunther Plüschow was a man of singular talents, feats, and ambition. In the English-speaking world, we might have heard of his escape from a POW…

Medal of Honor, 3 Navy Crosses, and Highest Ship Kill Count for a Submarine Commander in the Pacific

The War in the Pacific was perhaps the last time that history has given us all-out open warfare between two mighty naval fleets on a…

4 Improvised Weapons used in the 1944 Warsaw Uprising

The invasion of Poland on September 1st, 1939 marked the beginning of the Second World War. Polish people had a long history of occupation and…

The Day a Typhoon Nearly Wiped Out the US Third Fleet

The United States Third Fleet was working in the Philippine Sea in December 1944, carrying out air raids on Japanese airfields, when it found itself…

Charity Edna Adams – the Highest Ranking African-American Woman During WWII

During WWII, the US did its best to maintain the flow of mail to its troops in Europe. Unfortunately, most able-bodied workers were either fighting…

Top Ten Important War History Sites In Britain

If you’re British (or even if you’re just visiting Great Britain), don’t miss out on some of these interesting, moving and all-around fascinating war-related sites.…