World War 2 | War History

The Massive Floating Dry Docks of the US Pacific Fleet That Could Carry & Repair Battleships and Aircraft Carriers

The United States Navy, during World War 2, decided to create a temporary forward base utilizing service stations; these stations meant the United States Navy…

The WW2 Junkers Ju-87 Stuka – Fast Facts, Cool Pics, Vintage Video!

The Stuka got its nickname from the German word Sturzkampfflugzeug or dive-bomber, the official designation was Junkers Ju-87. The first plane prototype Stuka flew in…

A Peaceful Invasion – The Allied Occupation Of Iceland During World War Two

After Hitler seized Denmark and Norway in 1940, the British government became concerned about his next step, as the Nazi war machine demonstrated its might…

10 Facts About One of the most Notorious Figures of the 20th Century – Adolf Hitler

In 1907 a young man walked into the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, Austria. Under his arm, he carried a portfolio of some of…

22 Amazing Pictures – Aircraft Carriers Battling in the Pacific During WW2

The war in the Pacific was, for the first time, a war of Aircraft Carriers. They took over the leading role from the battleships which…

The Horror Of Auschwitz – Looking Closely, We Can Find Stories Which We Have Not Heard Before

Auschwitz today is synonymous with the Holocaust; it has become an overarching symbol of the atrocities committed by the Nazi regime during the Second World…

D-Day Invasion Stripes In 35 Stunning Images

In World War II fighting could be confusing, as you might imagine. It might be difficult to decide if a plane, tank or ship was…

The Charge of The Polish Cavalry Against German Tanks in 1939 – How It Was Turned Into A Modern Myth

Poland had a long history of horsemanship, and its light cavalry called Uhlans (A Tatar word for “Hero,” or “Rider”) were the pride of its…

37 Images Of The Massive German Flak Towers, Armed To The Teeth And With Room To Shelter Thousands

Following the raid on Berlin by the Royal Air Force in 1940, the construction of 3 huge flak towers was ordered by Adolf Hitler. These…

Justice at Last for US War Pilot Who Died a Hero in WWII

The funeral ceremony was held at the Arlington Cemetery on 18th June 2015, with full military honours. The casket of 2nd Lieutenant John William Herb…

Veteran US Aviator Given Tour of the Guam Airbase He Served at in WWII

Rowland Ball, 91, is a World War II veteran who served as an officer in the US Army Air Corps. He flew 27 missions out…

Gold, Juno, And Sword – The British and Canadian Landings on D-Day

Today, the Normandy landings might be most associated with the iconic photos of Omaha Beach, but let us not forget that there were five sectors…