World War 2 | War History

An Amazing Story Of Close Combat Over a Small Tennis Court During WW2

Gabe Christy

Between April 8th and May 13th, 1944 the fate of British troops in Burma was being decided over a small asphalt tennis court. This court…

Top Facts About The Los Angeles WWII Zoot Suit Racial Attacks

David Herold

In 1943, when the United States was involved in World War II the country was rocked on the home front. Thousands of Mexicans had migrated…

The Deadly Defiant, A Game-Changing British Warplane in WW2

The 1930s were an age of aeronautical experimentation. All around the world air forces were trying new and fascinating designs, searching for the perfect combination…

40 Before and After Pictures from the WW2 Atlantic Wall Museum

The Wall The Atlantic Wall was an extensive system of coastal defence and fortifications built by Nazi Germany between 1942 and 1944 along the coast…

Operation Husky – The Battle for Sicily Which Launched The Italian Campaign

Elly Farelly

Operation Husky was the unlikely codename for the invasion of Sicily by Allied forces in the summer of 1943. The operation, which got off to…

In Silence, Pope Francis Makes Historic Visit to Auschwitz

Pope Francis visited Auschwitz-Birkenau in July. The pilgrimage was made mostly in silence, but his decision to visit speaks louder than words. “I would like…

Top 10 WW2 Films!

One more treat for the War History Online film buffs ― Top 10 WWII Films. Now, which is the best WWII movie is always a…

The Special Unit Dirlewanger – The Most Vicious Nazi War Criminals

The notorious 36th Waffen Grenadier Divison of the SS earned its horrible reputation mostly on the Eastern Front where they freely conducted numerous war crimes…

The Kamikaze Pilot Who Took His Wife With Him On His Last Flight

Ian Harvey

Even though World War Two had come to an end, the story of a Japanese couple who met their death in a deliberate kamikaze suicide…

Decades After D-Day, WW2 Hero Receives Highest French Honor

The invasion of Nazi-occupied France is considered a major turning point of the Second World War. Scores of British and U.S. soldiers perished during and…

Sequel to 1981 WW2 Submarine Movie ‘Das Boot’ Coming to TV

In 1981, Das Boot showcased the claustrophobia and danger of working on a submarine during World War II. The epic German film jumpstarted the careers…

The Exploits of the Fifteenth Air Force In 13 Stunning pictures!

Created in November 1943, the Fifteenth Air Force was the direct descendant of the American Ninth and Twelfth Air Forces that had fought in the…