World War 2 | War History

4 Important Factors That Could Have Changed the Battle of France

David Herold

There are no shortage of memorable moments that unfolded during the Second World War. And though many of us would choose not to remember all…

10 Things You Need To Know About The Fall of the “Impenetrable” Eben Emael Fortress

After WWI, Belgium, being one of the countries with the highest casualty count, tried to balance between a ravaged economy and the high unemployment rate…

21 Sad Images Of Bombed Out Cologne – You Wouldn’t Have Seen Many Of These Images Before

Guest Author

The German city of Cologne was bombed in 262 separate air raids by the Allies during World War II, including 31 times by the Royal…

Why Did the French Army Collapse So Quickly? – Omnibooks Magazine, 1942

This article from Omnibooks Magazine, published in 1942, looks back on the fall of France Q. Why did France fall? A. Because the French people…

Even Germans Recommended Him For VC: Irish Guard Grabbed The Machine Gun From Disabled Tank, Held Jerries At Bay For 20 Minutes

A nation can desire for a war to be over all they want, but the inevitable fact of war is that the enemy always gets…

You know these, right?! 11 House Hold Names That Worked With The Nazis During WWII

Kodak The famous camera company’s German branch actually used slave labor from German concentration camps. Several European branches of Kodak did extensive business with the…

Watch the Battle of the Coral Sea – In Color

From the 4th to 8th May 1942, the Japanese and American fleets in the Pacific made history. For the first time ever, a naval battle…

Did You Know VE-Day Did Not End All Battles In Europe?

Germany finally capitulated on May 8, 1945, leaving Europe in ruins, but in peace once again. First, Alfred Jodl prepared the ground by signing the…

WWII Pilot & Commander Nancy Harkness Love: A Symbol of Pride, Passion and Perseverance

Women have always proved their strength and abilities in all walks of life, and when it comes to flying airplanes, they haven’t fallen behind their…

Sergeant ‘Smokey’ Smith VC: I don’t take prisoners, I’m paid to kill them, then takes out 3 Panthers

If you ask any combat infantryman, you will hear that there are men who make their life easy in garrison and men who make their…

When the former commander Treblinka, Kurt Franz, was arrested in 1959, a search of his home yielded a scrapbook with horrific photos of the massacre titled “Beautiful Years”

Kurt Hubert Franz (born on 17 January 1914 — died on 4 July 1998) was an officer of the SS and one of many commanders…

Where’s My Share of Gasoline and Sugar? Rationing of Goods in US During WWII

Ever wondered what the distribution of food and other scarce resources looked like during the World War II? It was a difficult period for the…