World War 2 | War History

The End of the Road: Hitler’s Downfall

David Herold

It takes some serious soul-searching to make the final decision to end your own life – especially when you’re the leader of the Nazi Regime…

Nazi German Special Forces: Brandenburg Regiment – you have heard of them, right?

The Brandenburg Regiment, part of Germany’s Nazi special forces, was created by Captain Theodor von Hippel. Hippel was a military man, who had served in…

Striking Where it Hurts: Luftwaffe Destroy Historic English Towns in the Baedeker Blitz

David Herold

As the fighting grew between the British and German forces in the midst of WWII, and overnight raids and bombings were getting out of control,…

From The Tank Museum: When The Germans Desperately Needed To Counter The T-34, This Was Their Design

The Panther was not as thickly armoured, nor as heavily armed, as tanks such as the Tiger but was probably a much more balanced design.…

George H. Bush Narrowly Escaped Being Executed and Eaten By The Japanese in WWII

In September 1944, the USS Finback submarine surfaced a few miles off the coast of Chichi Jima, an island some 700 miles South of Tokyo.…

April 28, 1945: The Death of Mussolini

On the 28th of  April 1945, Benito Mussolini died. The leader of Fascist Italy and longest-ruling of the right-wing dictators who brought destruction to 20th…

Midway: The Turning Point in the Pacific

The Battle of Midway (3rd to 7th June 1942) was the single most decisive encounter in the Pacific theater of World War Two. A clash…

Did You Know This? The SECOND Raid On Pearl Harbor – Operation K

Guest Author

Everyone knows about the First Pearl Harbor Attack by the Japanese Imperial Navy. But few are aware of the 2nd Raid that the Japanese launched…

The Leftover Coded Messages of WWII: Why It Took Decades to Solve Secret German Messages

Though World War II ended more than half a century ago, not all of the mysteries of that time in history have been solved. Questions…

Faces of Evil: Female Concentration Camp Guards

Up until 1942, guards at concentrations camps within Adolf Hitler’s Empire were primarily male. That all changed in 1942 when the first female guards were appointed…

Kilroy Was Here: How A Graffiti Cartoon Bolstered The Troops of WWII

A little comic relief really does work to calm the nerves and reduce tension. A welcome and a nod can make a new and frightening…

Sobibor Death Camp: Archaeologists reveal its horrors

The Nazi Holocaust remains one of the most horrific events to stain the bloody history of the 20th century. Though Jewish people took the brunt…